EPIC - Energy Processing and Integrated Circuits
Eficiència energètica en computació, comunicació i infraestructures (xarxes de sensors, processadors multi-nucli, constel·lacions de satèl·lits petits, xarxes de distribució energètica), mitjançant arquitectures, circuits i dispositius de gestió d'energia, des de circuits integrats de gestió d'energia, captació d'energia i transferència sense fil d'energia, passant per models i control de sistemes de conversió eficient de potència, fins a sistemes d'energia renovables i microxarxes.
Our research activity has hitherto been focused on energy processing and integrated circuits, encompassing CMOS technologies for future-generation multicore processors and RF transmitters, as well as new devices for exploring ultimate energy density limits. These activities have been driven by ultra-low-power battery-operated devices that are now migrating into energy-harvesting-enabled wireless sensor networks and pushing down scalability limits through the concurrence of new devices (More than Moore, gallium nitride or GaN and graphene), circuit and system perspectives with the aim of a transversal impact to various applications, namely, downscaled portable terminals and distributed sensors for wireless monitoring and practically all applications within the integrated systems and circuits area. New challenges include wireless networks-on-chip for next-generation many-core processors for high-performance computing, nano-satellite swarms, wireless energy transfer and smart grids.
Our research activity has hitherto been focused on energy processing and integrated circuits, encompassing CMOS technologies for future-generation multicore processors and RF transmitters, as well as new devices for exploring ultimate energy density limits. These activities have been driven by ultra-low-power battery-operated devices that are now migrating into energy-harvesting-enabled wireless sensor networks and pushing down scalability limits through the concurrence of new devices (More than Moore, gallium nitride or GaN and graphene), circuit and system perspectives with the aim of a transversal impact to various applications, namely, downscaled portable terminals and distributed sensors for wireless monitoring and practically all applications within the integrated systems and circuits area. New challenges include wireless networks-on-chip for next-generation many-core processors for high-performance computing, nano-satellite swarms, wireless energy transfer and smart grids.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [217]
Capítols de llibre [21]
Llibres [1]
Presentacions [1]
Recent Submissions
Energy efficiency improvement in reconfigurable photovoltaic systems: An evaluation of team systems
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2024-04-16)
Open AccessThe main objective of this work is to evaluate the energy efficiency improvement obtained in grid-connected photovoltaic systems based on a dynamic reconfiguration strategy. The MIX and team reconfigurable photovoltaic ... -
Heterogeneous degradation in Li-ion batteries
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyLi-ion batteries are crucial for the forthcoming energy transition. They are complex systems that show heterogeneous current distribution patterns and degradation. The development of valid methods to determine their internal ... -
MATLAB® modeling of a microgrid: towards a vision based on entropy balance
(AEDERMACP (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies and Power Quality), 2023)
Conference report
Open AccessA microgrid is defined as the link of consumer loads and decentralized energy assets with the ability to control the entire system as a whole. The modeling of an electromagnetic microgrid is discussed in this work to analyze ... -
A secure dual-layer fault protection strategy for distribution network with DERs: enhancing security in the face of communication challenges
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-02-01)
Open AccessEarlier protection methods mainly focused on using communication channels to transmit trip signals between the protective devices (PDs), with no solutions provided in the case of communication failure. Therefore, this paper ... -
Procedure for component sizing in off-grid networked microgrids
Conference report
Open AccessStand-alone Microgrids (MGs) can effectively be utilized to provide the energy demand for different purposes, such as reducing the burden of the main grid. Paying attention to harvesting renewable energies in MGs resulted ... -
Estrategias de gestión de microrredes eléctricas colaborativas para prosumidores domésticos
Conference report
Open AccessEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis de diferentes escenarios con microrredes domésticas con colaboración entre prosumidores domésticos. Se persigue encontrar estrategias que permiten una optimización de la ... -
Simple fuzzy logic-based energy management for power exchange in isolated multi-microgrid systems: a case study in a remote community in the Amazon region of Ecuador
(Elsevier, 2024-03-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyNowadays, the increase in electric power coverage worldwide is a priority scope of the study, where Microgrids (MG) emerge as feasible solutions to supply electricity. The use of MG to provide energy to isolated communities, ... -
Wearable device para la prevención de accidentes en personas con sonambulismo
Conference report
Open AccessEl sonambulismo es un trastorno del sueño que afecta principalmente a niños y adolescentes; sin embargo, se considera que aproximadamente el 2 % de la población adulta lo padece. Se desconocen las causas de su aparición; ... -
Guided activities in the teaching of analogue electronics in the bachelor’s degree in industrial and automatic electronics
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessWithin the offer of core courses of the Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), which appeared as a result of the current undergraduate study ... -
A contribution to students’ assessment adjusts of multiple choice questionnaires with fuzzy logic
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessIn University environment, it is common to use multiple-choice objective tests with three or four possible answers, of which only one is correct and the rest are erroneous. In this type of tests, usually the wrong answers ... -
Assessment based on fuzzy logic of multiple choice questionnaires
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessIn University environment, it is common to use multiple-choice objective tests with three or four possible answers, of which only one is correct and the rest are erroneous. In this type of tests, usually the wrong answers ... -
On single-input dual-output (SIDO) DC/DC multi-port converters for DC microgrid applications
(AEDERMACP (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies and Power Quality), 2023)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThis paper proposes the use of linear-assisted switching power converters in the context of single-inductor dual-output (SIDO) for microgrids (MG) applications. By combining a DC/DC ripple-controlled switching power converter ...