CERTEC - Centre d'Estudis del Risc Tecnològic
El CERTEC duu a terme recerca sobre el risc associat a activitats industrials i al transport de mercaderies perilloses i sobre el risc ambiental que suposa l'activitat humana. Les principals línies en les que es treballa són:
--Fiabilitat de processos: predicció de la probabilitat/freqüència dels accidents
--Modelització matemàtica dels accidents greus (incendis, explosions, fuites tòxiques). Avaluació dels seus efectes i de les seves conseqüències sobre persones, equipament i entorn.
--Modelització d'incendis forestals: comportament i característiques del foc, efecte dels productes retardants, simulacions CFD.
--Optimització d'instal·lacions: reducció del risc.
--Avaluació del risc ambiental: impacte ambiental en ports, risc ambiental de les substàncies químiques.
A més dels estudis teòrics, el CERTEC duu a terme experimentació a escala real (incendis de vessaments d'hidrocarburs, dolls de foc, núvols de gas, incendis forestals)i reduïda (taula de combustió per incendis forestals).
The objective of the Centre for Technological Risk Studies (CERTEC) is to carry out research in the fields of technological risk and environmental impact (mathematical modelling of major accidents, fires, explosions, toxic releases, transportation of hazardous materials, environmental impact, etc.)
The main research lines are the study of hydrocarbon pool-fires; the mathematical modelling of major accidents; risk analysis in the transportation of hazardous materials; the assessment of the environmental state of sea ports; and the study of wildfires.
The objective of the Centre for Technological Risk Studies (CERTEC) is to carry out research in the fields of technological risk and environmental impact (mathematical modelling of major accidents, fires, explosions, toxic releases, transportation of hazardous materials, environmental impact, etc.)
The main research lines are the study of hydrocarbon pool-fires; the mathematical modelling of major accidents; risk analysis in the transportation of hazardous materials; the assessment of the environmental state of sea ports; and the study of wildfires.
Collections in this community
Altres [1]
Articles de revista [134]
Reports de recerca [56]
Recent Submissions
D2.1. WUITIPS - WUI fire management in touristic areas: gap and needs analysis for a harmonized framework
Research report
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D1.4. WUITIPS - Annual Work Programme 2
Research report
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D1.2. WUITIPS - Annual Work Programme 1
Research report
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D1.1. WUITIPS - Operations Manual
Research report
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CFD simulation of explosions in fired combustion chambers
(Associazione Italiana Di Ingegneria Chimica, 2023-01-01)
Open AccessA wide range of equipment (boilers, furnaces, reformers, etc.) in industrial processes use fired combustion chambers to retrieve heat from a fuel. Although these systems have been used since long time and their safety has ... -
The “pudding effect” to promote solar-driving water purification
(John Wiley & sons, 2023-12-21)
Open AccessThe use of solar energy (natural) and synthetic solar absorber hydrogels (SAHs) for purification of brackish water represent a challenge. Here in, this work reports the unexpected effect achieved for water desalination ... -
Computer vision-based characterization of large-scale jet flames using a synthetic infrared image generation approach
(Elsevier, 2024-01-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyDifferent kinds of fire accidents can occur during industrial activities that involve hazardous materials, such as jet fires, which are often involved in a process known as a domino effect that generates a sequence of other ... -
Methodology for the analysis of structural vulnerability of WUI settlements
Open AccessAs WUI fires have become a global concern, there is a growing need for engineering methodologies that lead to proactive fire management not only at the landscape level, but at all WUI scales. This paper presents a quantitative ... -
Fires at the wildland-industrial interface. Is there an emerging problem?
Open AccessOver the past years, wildfires have raged with unprecedented intensity across the world, becoming a growing problem, as weather conditions conductive to wildfire ignition and spread will increase in frequency and severity ... -
Evaluating wildfire vulnerability of Mediterranean dwellings using fuzzy logic applied to expert judgement
Open AccessBackground. Wildland–urban interface (WUI) fires pose great challenges to firefighting services and there is a growing need for self-protection and the creation of fire-adapted communities. Aim. A tool that can aid homeowners ... -
Variability of methane fluxes at the Ebro Delta due to rice field: comparison between inventories and Radon Tracer Method based results.
Conference report
Open AccessThe Ebro River Delta, in the northwestern Mediterranean basin, has an extension of 320 km2 and is mainly covered by rice fields. Rice fields are known to be one of the main sources of anthropogenic methane emissions, and ... -
Using fuzzy logic to evaluate fire vulnerability of dwellings located at the wildland-urban interface
Conference report
Open AccessWUI fires are posing great challenges to firefighting services, which are overwhelmed by the need to not only suppress the fire, but also protect the community. The need for self-protection is therefore growing, as is the ...