CBA - Sistemes de Comunicacions i Arquitectures de Banda Ampla
El grup CBA és un grup de recerca de la UPC i un GRC (2001SGR-00226, 2005SGR-00481, 2009SGR-01140, 2014SGR-1427, 2017SGR-1037). L'àmbit de recerca se centra en les xarxes de computadors i comunicacions abordant les temàtiques: xarxes IP, xarxes òptiques, monitorització de xarxa i anàlisi de tràfic, identitat digital i signatura electrònica, xarxes energèticament eficients i nano-comunicacions, xarxes 5G. El grup CBA forma part del Centre Específic de Recerca CCABA/UPC.
El grupo CBA es un grupo de investigación de la UPC y un GRC (2001SGR-00226, 2005SGR-00481, 2009SGR-01140). El ámbito de investigación se centra en las redes de computadores y comunicaciones abordando las temáticas: redes IP, redes ópticas, monitorización de red y análisis de tráfico, identidad digital y firma electrónica, redes energéticamente eficientes y nano-comunicaciones. El grupo CBA forma parte del Centro Específico de Investigación CCABA / UPC.
The study, design and evaluation of broadband communication networks, broadband Internet and optical networks. Network architectures, communication protocols, MAC protocols, network services, performance and traffic characterisation, traffic monitoring, quality of service, GMPLS networks, OBS, OPS, mobility, anomaly detection, new netwirk architectures, 5G network architecture.
The study, design and evaluation of broadband communication networks, broadband Internet and optical networks. Network architectures, communication protocols, MAC protocols, network services, performance and traffic characterisation, traffic monitoring, quality of service, GMPLS networks, OBS, OPS, mobility, anomaly detection, new netwirk architectures, 5G network architecture.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [154]
Reports de recerca [77]
Recent Submissions
RouteNet-Erlang: A graph neural network for network performance evaluation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessNetwork modeling is a fundamental tool in network research, design, and operation. Arguably the most popular method for modeling is Queuing Theory (QT). Its main limitation is that it imposes strong assumptions on the ... -
Accelerating deep reinforcement learning for digital twin network optimization with evolutionary strategies
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessThe recent growth of emergent network applications (e.g., satellite networks, vehicular networks) is increasing the complexity of managing modern communication networks. As a result, the community proposed the Digital Twin ... -
Amazon Alexa traffic traces
Open AccessThe number of devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT) has been increasing every year, including smart speakers such as Amazon Echo devices. These devices have become very popular around the world where users with ... -
A control plane for WireGuard
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)
Conference report
Open AccessWireGuard is a VPN protocol that has gained significant interest recently. Its main advantages are: (i) simple configuration (via pre-shared SSH-like public keys), (ii) mobility support, (iii) reduced codebase to ease ... -
Demystifying content-blockers: Measuring their impact on performance and quality of experience
Open AccessWith the evolution of the online advertisement and tracking ecosystem, content-blockers have become the reference tool for improving the security, privacy and browsing experience when surfing the Internet. It is also ... -
FlowDT: A Flow-aware Digital Twin for computer networks
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessNetwork modeling is an essential tool for network planning and management. It allows network administrators to explore the performance of new protocols, mechanisms, or optimal configurations without the need for testing ... -
Multiwideband terahertz communications via tunable graphene-based metasurfaces in 6G networks: Graphene enables ultimate multiwideband THz wavefront control
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022-06)
Open AccessThe next generation of wireless networks is expected to tap into the terahertz (THz) band (0.1–10 THz) to satisfy the extreme latency and bandwidth density requirements of future applications. However, the development of ... -
Verification of performance degradation in a telecommunications system due to the uncertainty of human users in the loop
Open AccessThe intensive use of new technologies that cause more interactions between systems and the daily activities of human users is changing the focus on how network re- sources should be managed. However, these changes can ... -
Evaluation of joint controller placement for latency and reliability-aware control plane
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe separation of the forwarding and control planes in software-defined networking provides flexibility for network management. The Controller Placement Problem (CPP) is an important issue affecting network performance. ... -
Interconnects for DNA, quantum, in-memory and optical computing: insights from a panel discussion
Open AccessThe computing world is witnessing a proverbial Cambrian explosion of emerging paradigms propelled by applications such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Cybersecurity. The recent advances in technology to store ... -
Unveiling the potential of graph neural networks for robust intrusion detection
Conference report
Open AccessThe last few years have seen an increasing wave of attacks with serious economic and privacy damages, which evinces the need for accurate Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS). Recent works propose the use of Machine ... -
Sistemes tecnològics de seguiment: privacitat en temps de pandèmia
Open AccessLa pandèmia de la COVID-19 ha suposat una situació del tot excepcional en la vida quotidiana arreu del món. La declaració de l’estat d’alarma, si bé no és un estat d’excepció, ha suposat una retallada efectiva en els drets ...