El Grup de Biomaterials, Bioemecànica i Enginyeria de Teixits basa la seva recerca en el desenvolupament de biomaterials per a la regeneració i/o la reparació funcional de teixits i òrgans. Això comprèn el disseny de materials capaços de modular la resposta biològica del teixit receptor, donant lloc en alguns casos a la regeneració de teixits, i en altres a una perfecta integració del biomaterial, amb la recuperació funcional perduda.
El plantejament d'aquest objectiu és intrínsecament interdisciplinari, i exigeix d’una banda la caracterització dels materials a nivell físicoquímic i mecànic i, de l'altra, l'estudi de les seves interaccions amb les entitats biològiques a diferents nivells -proteïnes, cèl·lules i teixits-.
La recerca duta a terme pel grup BBT abasta tant aspectes fonamentals com d'altres més tecnològics, susceptibles de ser transferits a empreses del sector biomèdic.

El Grupo de Biomateriales, Biomecánica e Ingeniería de Tejidos basa su investigación en el desarrollo de biomateriales para la regeneración y / o la reparación funcional de tejidos y órganos. Esto comprende el diseño de materiales capaces de modular la respuesta biológica del tejido receptor, dando lugar en algunos casos a la regeneración de tejidos, y en otros a una perfecta integración del biomaterial, con la recuperación funcional perdida. El planteamiento de este objetivo es intrínsecamente interdisciplinario, y exige por un lado la caracterización de los materiales a nivel físico-químico y mecánico y, por otro, el estudio de sus interacciones con las entidades biológicas a diferentes niveles -proteínas, celulas y tejidos-.La investigación llevada a cabo por el grupo BBT abarca tanto aspectos fundamentales como otros más tecnológicos, susceptibles de ser transferidos a empresas del sector biomédico.

The Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Group carries out research into the development of biomaterials for the regeneration and/or functional repair of tissues and organs. There is a demand for the design of materials that are able to modulate the biological response of receiving tissues. In some cases this ability leads to the regeneration and neoformation of degraded tissue, and in others, the perfect integration of the biomaterial and the recovery of the lost function.

The Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Group carries out research into the development of biomaterials for the regeneration and/or functional repair of tissues and organs. There is a demand for the design of materials that are able to modulate the biological response of receiving tissues. In some cases this ability leads to the regeneration and neoformation of degraded tissue, and in others, the perfect integration of the biomaterial and the recovery of the lost function.

Recent Submissions

  • Functionalization of alginate hydrogels with a multifunctional peptide supports mesenchymal stem cell adhesion and reduces bacterial colonization 

    Oliver Cervelló, Lluís; López Gómez, Patricia Victoria; Martín Gómez, Helena; Marion, Mahalia; Ginebra, Maria Pau; Mas Moruno, Carlos (2024-08-22)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Hydrogels with cell adhesive moieties stand out as promising materials to enhance tissue healing and regeneration. Nonetheless, bacterial infections of the implants represent an unmet major concern. In the present work, ...
  • Dual action of RONS/Biomolecule-loaded hydrogels: killing cancer cells and enhancing stem cells viability 

    Espona Noguera, Albert; Tampieri, Francesco; Canal Barnils, Cristina (International Society for Plasma Medicine, 2022)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In last decade, non-thermal plasma has demonstrated to be a very promising technology in the field of cancer therapy. It is known that plasma can generate a complex cocktail of chemically reactive species, which can interact ...
  • The role of silver coating for arthroplasty components 

    Díez Escudero, Anna; Hailer, Nils (2021-03-01)
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Uppsala universitet
    Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is one of the most dreaded complications after arthroplasty surgery; thus numerous approaches have been undertaken to equip metal surfaces with antibacterial properties. Due to its ...
  • A practical guide for evaluating the osteoimmunomodulatory properties of biomaterials 

    Mestres, Gemma; Carter, Sarah-Sophia D.; Hailer, Nils; Díez Escudero, Anna (Elsevier, 2021-08)
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Uppsala universitet
    Biomaterials offer a promising approach to repair bone defects. Whereas traditional studies predominantly focused on optimizing the osteogenic capacity of biomaterials, less focus has been on the immune response elicited ...
  • Antimicrobial and osteoconductive properties of two different types of titanium silver coating 

    Kontakis, Michael; Díez Escudero, Anna; Hariri, Huda; Andersson, Britt-marie; Järhult, Josef; Hailer, Nils (2021-06-14)
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Uppsala universitet
    In prosthetic joint surgery, Ag coating of implant areas in direct contact with bone has been met with hesitation for fear of compromising osseointegration. The physicochemical, antibacterial and osteoconductive properties ...
  • Gallium and silver-doped titanium surfaces provide enhanced osteogenesis, reduce bone resorption and prevent bacterial infection in co-culture 

    Piñera Avellaneda, David; Buxadera Palomero, Judit; Manero Planella, José María; Ginebra Molins, Maria Pau; Rupérez de Gracia, Elisa (Elsevier, 2024-04-14)
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu / University of Glasgow / University of Edinburgh / Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya
    Bacterial infection remains a significant problem associated with orthopaedic surgeries leading to surgical site infection (SSI). This unmet medical need can become an even greater complication when surgery is due to ...
  • pH and electrically responsive hydrogels with adhesive property 

    Ramírez Alba, María Dolores; Molins Martinez, Marta; García Torres, José Manuel; Romanini, Michela; Macovez, Roberto; Pérez Madrigal, Maria del Mar; Alemán Llansó, Carlos (2024-03)
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya
    Applications of sodium alginate (Alg) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) hydrogels in biomedicine are well-known. These are predefined by the strength and weakness of their properties, which in turn depend on the chemical structure ...
  • Engineering alginate-based injectable hydrogels combined with bioactive polymers for targeted plasma-derived oxidative stress delivery in osteosarcoma therapy 

    Espona Noguera, Albert; Tampieri, Francesco; Canal Barnils, Cristina (Elsevier, 2024-02-01)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Covenantee:   Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
    Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RONS) in biological systems display hormetic effects, capable of either promoting cell regenerative effects or inducing cell death. Recently, hydrogels have emerged as a promising ...
  • Unveiling the rolling to kayak transition in propelling nanorods with cargo trapping and pumping 

    Junot, Gaspard; Calero, Carles; García Torres, José Manuel; Pagonabarraga, Ignacio; Tierno, Pietro (American Chemical Society, 2022-01-01)
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Universitat de Barcelona
    Magnetic nanorods driven by rotating fields in water can be rapidly steered along any direction while generating strong and localized hydrodynamic flow fields. Here we show that, when raising the frequency of the rotating ...
  • Trabecular titanium for orthopedic applications: balancing antimicrobial with osteoconductive properties by varying silver contents 

    Díez Escudero, Anna; Carlsson, Elin; Andersson, Brittmarie; Järhult, Josef D.; Hailer, Nils P. (2022-08-25)
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Uppsala universitet
    Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) and implant loosening are the most common complications after joint replacement surgery. Due to their increased surface area, additively manufactured porous metallic implants provide ...
  • Glyoxal crosslinking of electro-responsive alginate-based hydrogels: Effects on the properties 

    Sáez Grávalos, Isabel; Colombi, Samuele; Borràs Cristòfol, Núria; Estrany Coda, Francesc; Pérez Madrigal, Maria del Mar; García Torres, José Manuel; Morgado, Jorge; Alemán Llansó, Carlos (Elsevier, 2024-04-18)
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Universidade de Lisboa / Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya
    To improve the features of alginate-based hydrogels in physiological conditions, Ca2+-crosslinked semi-interpenetrated hydrogels formed by poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonic acid and alginate (PEDOT/Alg) ...
  • Effect of functionalization of texturized polypropylene surface by silanization and HBII-RGD attachment on response of primary abdominal and vaginal fibroblasts 

    Quiles Pérez, María Teresa; Rodríguez Contreras, Alejandra María; Guillem Martí, Jordi; Punset Fuste, Miquel; Sánchez Soto, Miguel; López Cano, Manuel; Sabadell García, Jordi; Velasco, Janice; Armengol Carrasco, Manuel; Manero Planella, José María; Arbós Via, Maria Antònia (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-03-01)
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca / Universitat Internacional de Catalunya / Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red. Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Hospital Sant Rafael - Germanes Hospitalàries / Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron
    Soft tissue defects, such as incisional hernia or pelvic organ prolapse, are prevalent pathologies characterized by a tissue microenvironment rich in fragile and dysfunctional fibroblasts. Precision medicine could improve ...

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