AIEM - Arquitectura, energia i medi ambient
El grup de recerca AIEM està orientat a la investigació de l'arquitectura des del punt de vista mediambiental. La seva investigació considera tant els paràmetres ambientals que afecten el confort humà com la percepció, així com el possible impacte que les activitats de construcció poden provocar a les ciutats i al medi ambient. L'activitat que es duu a terme contempla diferents escales, des de qualitats arquitectòniques interiors i elements de construcció fins a espais públics i morfologia urbana. Seguint aquesta línia d'interès, el grup ha desenvolupat una àmplia investigació relacionada amb la integració de les energies renovables, el cicle de vida dels materials, la qualitat de vida, l'arquitectura bioclimàtica i altres camps d'arquitectura, energia i medi ambient. Aquest treball anterior, realitzat des de 1980, juntament amb l'experiència dels membres del grup, posa l’AiEM en una posició excel·lent per avançar en el camí correcte cap a una recerca d'alt nivell.
El grupo de investigación AIEM está orientado hacia la investigación de la arquitectura desde el punto de vista ambiental. Su investigación considera los parámetros ambientales que afectan el confort y la percepción humana, así como el posible impacto que las actividades de construcción pueden causar en las ciudades y el medio ambiente. La actividad realizada contempla diferentes escalas, desde las cualidades arquitectónicas interiores y los elementos de construcción hasta los espacios públicos y las características morfológicas urbanas. Siguiendo esta línea de interés, el grupo ha desarrollado una amplia investigación relacionada con la integración de energías renovables, el ciclo de vida de los materiales, la calidad de vida, la arquitectura bioclimática y otros campos relacionados con la arquitectura, la energía y el medio ambiente. Este trabajo anterior, realizado desde 1980, junto con la experiencia de los miembros del grupo, coloca al AiEM en una excelente posición para avanzar en el camino correcto hacia una investigación de alto nivel.
The AIEM research group is oriented towards the investigation of architecture from the environmental point of view. Its research considers both the environmental parameters affecting human comfort and perception as well as the possible impact that building activities can cause to cities and the environment. The activity carried out considers different scales, from architectural indoor qualities and building elements to public spaces and urban morphology features. Following this line of interest, the group has developed extensive research related with integration of renewable energies, materials life-cycle, life quality, bioclimatic architecture and other fields involving architecture, energy and environment. This previous work, carried out since 1980, along with the expertise of the group members, puts AiEM in an excellent position to progress in the right path towards a high-level research.
The AIEM research group is oriented towards the investigation of architecture from the environmental point of view. Its research considers both the environmental parameters affecting human comfort and perception as well as the possible impact that building activities can cause to cities and the environment. The activity carried out considers different scales, from architectural indoor qualities and building elements to public spaces and urban morphology features. Following this line of interest, the group has developed extensive research related with integration of renewable energies, materials life-cycle, life quality, bioclimatic architecture and other fields involving architecture, energy and environment. This previous work, carried out since 1980, along with the expertise of the group members, puts AiEM in an excellent position to progress in the right path towards a high-level research.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [98]
Capítols de llibre [26]
Llibres [5]
Reports de recerca [18]
Ressenyes [1]
Recent Submissions
The potential of vegetation to modify urban climate. Using thermography to evaluate the urban radiant environment
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, 2024)
Conference report
Open AccessThis study analyses vegetation as a shading element in urban environments, with a focus on mean radiant temperature and its relationship with outdoor thermal comfort. The methodology was based on measurements taken from ... -
Impact of solar reflectivity and infrared emissivity on the thermal performance of metal and concrete roofs in cloudy warm-humid climate
(Higher Education Press, 2024-05)
Open AccessRegions near latitude 0° are characterized by warm-humid climate and also by high cloudiness. In these regions, metal roofs has been the most widely used typology. However, in the last decades, the use of heavy concrete ... -
Operational and embodied energy of residential buildings in the Andean region between 1980 and 2020
(Elsevier, 2024-12-15)
Open AccessThe relationship between operational energy (OE) and embodied energy (EE) in buildings is a highly complex issue. In countries with extreme climates and high sustainability standards, efforts are made to reduce OE for ... -
Image dataset: year-long hourly façade photos of a university building
(Elsevier, 2024-10)
Open AccessThis dataset presents 9596 photos of the East and West façades of a university building in Barcelona (Spain). Images were taken every hour for one year with two identical GoPro Hero 10 cameras. The façades are composed of ... -
Machine-learning to analyze human-building interactions: how do people use mobile solar protections?
(Elsevier, 2024-12)
Open AccessBuildings significantly impact urban energy consumption. Mobile passive solutions, such as manual solar protections, can mitigate heat gains, but their effectiveness depends on occupants’ decisions. Analyzing occupant ... -
Adaptation and reuse of buildings. The role of radiant temperatures distribution as a resilience factor
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, 2024)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEnhancing resilience in construction practices necessitates a thoughtful consideration of repurposing existing structures to meet contemporary needs. Traditional buildings, however, pose challenges in acquiring construction ... -
Open space heat stress in social housing districts: the role of trees depending on urban form
(PLEA, 2024)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyAs global warming worsens, understanding the vulnerability of urban areas to extreme heat becomes crucial. Social housing districts, due to their urban form and demographic composition, are identified as high-risk areas ... -
Exploring the integration of a novel photocatalytic air purification façade component in buildings
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-08-11)
Open AccessIndoor air quality determines the comfort, health, and wellbeing of people in buildings. Windows are the optimal elements for providing natural ventilation and fresh air, but the outside contains suspended particles that ... -
A historical and geometrical analysis of the Sansalvador villa by SfM-MVS photogrammetry
(Elsevier, 2024-09)
Open AccessDelving into the essence of the Sansalvador villa requires a meticulous juxtaposition of its original architectural blueprints with a newly formulated planimetry. Conceived by Josep Maria Jujol, this architectural work in ... -
The potential of translucent fabric layers as solar protection: assessing the role of indoor curtains in long-wave radiation
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn response to the changing climate, effective building design is crucial for regulating indoor conditions while minimizing the energy consumption. This study addresses the impact of translucent fabric layers (indoor ... -
Following the footsteps of a trip through Spain almost 100 years later
(Springer, 2024-03-30)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyOn the occasion of the Universal Exhibition in Barcelona in 1929, a group of four professionals made a series of trips through Spain, between 1927 and 1928, with the aim of collecting graphic information that would serve ... -
The conservation of the architectural heritage of Pueblo Español through travel drawings in 1927
(Springer, 2024-03-30)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe objective of this research is to show the importance that drawing had in the gen-esis and creation of the architectural complex of the Pueblo Español in Montjuïc, built for the Universal Exposition of Barcelona in 1929. ...