Recent Submissions

  • Fotorrelatos: arquitectura para la igualdad: viviendas sociales en Cornellà de Peris+Toral 

    Peris Eugenio, Marta; Toral Fernández, José Manuel (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de la Rioja, 2024-03)
    Open Access
  • La désassignation 

    Peris Eugenio, Marta; Toral Fernández, José Manuel (2024-03)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    In December 2023, Marta Peris and José Toral gave a lecture at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne on the topic of the "de-assignment". Behind this neologism lies a whole commitment that the Barcelona-based office ...
  • Raue Räume - Sozialwohnungen auf Ibiza 

    Peris Eugenio, Marta; Toral Fernández, José Manuel (2024-12)
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    Peris + Toral Arquitectes ddefy categorisation. They push the boundaries of residential design through innovative living concepts and material experimentation. Their earthen housing project on Ibiza has won them the Detail ...
  • Dalle superilles e gli assi verdi alla infrastruttura civica e di prossimità, nella rigenerazione urbana della avenida Gaudí a Barcellona 

    Coppola, Emanuela; Mayorga Cárdenas, Miguel Yuri; Fontana, Maria Pia (2024-10-01)
    Open Access
    The ecological approach, the introduction of greenery and nature-based solutions are a line of work far the design of contemporary metropolises, although it is not a completely new urbanism, the so-called "ecosystemic ...
  • Mitjans como referencia de Mitjans 

    Solaguren-Beascoa de Corral, Félix (2022-12-12)
    Open Access
    En su prolífica trayectoria profesional, Mitjans utilizó el estudio y la referencia como dos de sus armas fundamentales de proyecto. Cuando proyectó el campo de fútbol del Barcelona, el Camp Nou, viajó por toda Europa ...
  • Streets love aqueduct: Águas Livres Aqueduct in Lisbon 

    Villalonga Munar, Pablo (2024-11-21)
    Open Access
    Streets and aqueducts relationship in Europe is a detectable pattern. With a shared linear condition, these encounters between infrastructures occur in different ways, from their absolute alignment to their unexpected ...
  • Prefaci. Fer recerca 

    Solaguren-Beascoa de Corral, Félix (2023)
    Open Access
  • About lying the truth of lies: about the book "Ways of seeing" by John Berger 

    Solaguren-Beascoa de Corral, Félix; Bardí Milà, Berta (2023-01-01)
    Open Access
    What intention should the drawing have in relation to what we have created? A drawing has to show what we want to explain, it has to reflect the intention, the purpose, the project, not only the reality. Consequently, a ...
  • John Hejduk: 1954-1974: sobre la dimensión didáctica de su obra arquitectónica 

    García-Escudero, Daniel; Bardí Milà, Berta (2024-10-28)
    Open Access
    In 1974, John Hejduk condensed two decades of architectural exploration into a series of sketches known as "Chronologies," spread across nine sheets that organize his most influential works. These drawings outline three ...
  • Reprogramming heritage: an approach for the automatization in the adaptative reuse of buildings 

    Domènech Rodríguez, Marta; López López, David; Nadal Francesch, Sergi; Queralt Calafat, Anna; Cornadó Bardón, Còssima (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-11-02)
    Open Access
    This article introduces a methodology for a novel data-driven computational model aimed at aiding public administrations in managing and evaluating the adaptative reuse of buildings while tackling ecological and digital ...
  • Database for serialized authorship: the case of publicplan 

    Brullet Franci, Nil; Capomaggi Sequenzia, Maria Julia; Carrera Escale, Laura; Santacana Juncosa, Amadeo; Devesa Devesa, Ricardo; Gonzalvo, Carlos; Romero Merino, Enrique; Ortega Cerdà, Lluís (2024-01-01)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    The surge in generative AI poses a twofold challenge for architecture: crafting specialized algorithms and curating top-tier databases for machine learning. This article presents PUBLICPLAN, a database featuring social ...
  • L’urbanisme de l’alimentació: polaritat i proximitat al voltant dels mercats municipals 

    Gómez Escoda, Eulalia Maria; Fuertes Pérez, Pere (2024-09)
    Open Access

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