Evaluating an E-portfolio for a linear algebra course using rubrics
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Document typeConference lecture
Defense date2009
PublisherInternational Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
Rights accessOpen Access
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There is always a need to evaluate training skills acquired for, in this way, to know whether they have
achieved the learning objectives. The use of the e-portfolio becomes more common among teachers
then, becomes increasingly necessary define a good evaluation system. E-Portfolio evaluation criteria
should take into account operational, appearance, evidence and reflection indicators. Considering all
these aspects and to respond to such needs is chosen to create a rubric to assess. Remember that
scoring rubrics are descriptive scoring schemes that are developed by teachers or other evaluators to
guide the analysis of the products or processes of students’ efforts.
In creating the rubric, first we analyzed what the analytical evaluation criteria to be considered for a
course in linear algebra of first year engineering degree and taking into account the skill sets required
to demonstrate that they have acquired the skills set by the University in the course to evaluate. In so
far as a mathematics course, we must not forget the following levels of quality corresponding to
Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Communication, Connections, and Representation, from excellent to
poor, for a specific assignment.
For the specific subject of linear algebra of the first year of Engineering at the ETSEIB of Polytechnic
University of Catalonian, two rubrics are proposed, the first one for the student self-assessment as
well as for peer assessment, and the second one for the assessment of student work from the
teacher. The rubric to evaluate students' work consists of 3 sub-rubrics, one to analyze the formal part
of the portfolio of the student (structure, spelling, level of language, among others) and the other two
for evaluating projects that students must perform.
CitationGarcia-Planas, M.I. [et al.]. Evaluating an E-portfolio for a linear algebra course using rubrics. A: International Technology, Education and Development Conference. "INTED2015 Proceedings". València: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2009, p. 1366-1372.
Publisher versioninted2015.org
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