Using the e-portfolio for large groups of students
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Document typeConference lecture
Defense date2015
PublisherInternational Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
Rights accessOpen Access
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
The number of students in class in studies of first year engineering degree in many Universities, in particular at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, is high with an average of 75 students per class.
While the large groups permit to transmit information efficiently, to a large number of students, it is equally true that it is difficult to teach students to actively think about what they are learning.
In small groups is becoming more common the use of e-portfolio for learning and assessment. This increased use is due to the need of the teacher to improve student autonomy by means reflection on
learning processes. The biggest growth is in the use of e-portfolio as it has the ability to incorporate new information and communication technologies into the learning process.
We think and we are convinced that teaching in large groups does not have to limit itself to the master class only. Under this conviction we have introduced the e-portfolio in a core subject in studies of first
year engineering degree. Also they can be displayed in a common space on University virtual campus where the students can view each other’s e-portfolios.
In this work, we show the results concerning the use of the e-portfolio in large groups as a tool for teaching, learning, assessment and self-assessment of student learning, as well as and satisfaction
and usefulness of this tool. The study sample consists of all students from the first year of Engineering in the subject of linear algebra at the ETSEIB of Polytechnic University of Catalonian.
To prepare the e-portfolio has been essential on the one hand, the definition of the goals that we want students to achieve, as well as the issues that we consider basic to exceed targets, also we must
prepare and plan the course comprehensively in order to make the coordination of the different tasks carried out in the classroom with the work of the e-portfolio. On the other hand, has been important the
selection of platforms to implement the e-portfolio. We decided to choose the use of the integrated Moodle and Mahara (Mahoodle) platform, as well as the simultaneous use of platforms Exabis inside
Moodle and Google Sites.
CitationGarcia-Planas, M.I. [et al.]. Using the e-portfolio for large groups of students. A: International Technology Education and Development Conference. "INTED2015 Proceedings". Madrid: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2015, p. 1352-1360.
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