A novel SDN enabled hybrid optical packet/circuit switched data centre network: the LIGHTNESS approach
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Document typeConference report
Defense date2014
Rights accessRestricted access - publisher's policy
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Current over-provisioned and multi-tier data
centre networks (DCN) deploy rigid control and management
platforms, which are not able to accommodate the ever-growing
workload driven by the increasing demand of high-performance
data centre (DC) and cloud applications. In response to this, the
EC FP7 project LIGHTNESS (Low Latency and High
Throughput Dynamic Network Infrastructures for High
Performance Datacentre Interconnects) is proposing a new
flattened optical DCN architecture capable of providing dynamic,
programmable, and highly available DCN connectivity services
while meeting the requirements of new and emerging DC and
cloud applications. LIGHTNESS DCN comprises all-optical
switching technologies (Optical Packet Switching (OPS) and
Optical Circuit Switching (OCS)) and hybrid Top-of-the-Rack
(ToR) switches, controlled and operated by a Software Defined
Networking (SDN) based control plane for enhanced
programmability of heterogeneous network functions and
protocols. Harnessing the power of optics enables DCs to
effectively cope with the high-performance applications'
demands. The programmability and flexibility provided by the
SDN based control plane allow to fully exploit the benefits of the
LIGHTNESS multi-technology optical DCN, while provisioning
on-demand, dynamic, flexible and highly resilient network
services inside DCs.
CitationPeng, Shuping [et al.]. A novel SDN enabled hybrid optical packet/circuit switched data centre network: the LIGHTNESS approach. A: European Conference on Networks and Communications. "European Conference on Networks and Communications". Bolonia: 2014, p. 1-5.
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