Unconstrained L1-regularized minimization with interpolated transformations for heart motion compensation
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Document typeConference report
Defense date2014
Rights accessRestricted access - publisher's policy
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Motion compensation constitutes a challenging issue in minimally invasive beating heart surgery. Since the zone to be repaired has a dynamic behaviour, precision and surgeon's dexterity decrease. In order to solve this problem, various proposals have been presented using l2-norm. However, as they present some limitations in terms of robustness and efficiency, motion compensation is still considered an open problem. In this work, a solution based on the class of l1-Regularized Optimization is proposed. It has been selected due to its mathematical properties and practical benefits. In particular, deformation is characterized by cubic B-splines since they offer an excellent balance between computational cost and accuracy. Moreover, due to the non-differentiability of the functional, the logarithmic barrier function is used for generating a standard optimization problem. Results have provided a very good trade-off between accuracy and efficiency, indicating the potential of the proposed approach and proving its stability even under complex deformations.
CitationAviles, A.; Sobrevilla, P.; Casals, A. Unconstrained L1-regularized minimization with interpolated transformations for heart motion compensation. A: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. "Proceedings of the 36th. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society". Chicago: 2014, p. 5109-5112.
Publisher versionhttp://emb.citengine.com/event/embc-2014/paper-details?pdID=1855
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