Introducing hygiene elements into sanitation monitoring
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Document typeConference lecture
Defense date2013
Rights accessRestricted access - publisher's policy
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With the 2015 Millenium Development Goal deadline approaching, discussion has turned to how to improve monitoring strategies post-2015. Key aims are to find ways to include hygiene behaviour in sanitation monitoring, evaluate the sustainability of improvements and encourage the formulation of pro-poor policy. However, at present, no robust indicator of hygiene (particularly hand-washing) has been found, and it is unclear whether current methods encourage sustainable, pro-poor interventions. This study compared various potential indicators using a dataset collected through household surveys in Kenya, with a view to testing the current approach’s predictive ability in hygiene and recommend indicators which could be used to monitor hygiene directly. The results suggested that the current approach does not reliably predict a good standard of hygiene, but that the presence of a hand-washing facility with soap could be used as a practical, global hand-washing indicator.
CitationCraven, J. [et al.]. Introducing hygiene elements into sanitation monitoring. A: Water, Engineering and Development Centre International Conference. "Proceedings of the 36th WEDC International Conference, 2013 : Delivering water, sanitation and hygiene services in an uncertain environment". Nakuru: 2013, p. 1-6.
ISBN978 1 84380 153 5
Publisher version
- Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental - Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos [1.356]
- EScGD - Engineering Sciences and Global Development - Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos [98]
- Institut Universitari de Recerca en Ciència i Tecnologies de la Sostenibilitat - Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos [55]
- LaCàN - Mètodes Numèrics en Ciències Aplicades i Enginyeria - Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos [160]
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