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Frontiers in Multidimensional Self-Trapping of Nonlinear Fields and Matter
(Nature, 2019-02-22)
Open Access2D and 3D solitons and related states, such as quantum droplets, can appear in optical systems, atomic Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) and liquid crystals, among other physical settings. However, multidimensional solitary ... -
Optical soliton formation controlled by angle twisting in photonic moiré lattices
(Springer-Nature, 2020-08-24)
Open AccessExploration of the impact of synthetic material landscapes featuring tunable geometrical properties on physical processes is a research direction that is currently of great interest because of the outstanding phenomena ... -
Nonlinear higher-order polariton topological insulator
(OSA, 2020-08-19)
Open AccessWe address the resonant response and bistability of the exciton–polariton corner states in a higher-order nonlinear topological insulator realized with a kagome arrangement of microcavity pillars. Such states are resonantly ... -
Topological edge states in Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit-coupled atoms in a Zeeman lattice
(APS, 2018-12-07)
Open AccessWe address the impact of spin-orbit coupling on the existence and properties of topological edge states of cold neutral atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates loaded in honeycomb Zeeman lattices—lattices where the spinor ... -
Anisotropy-induced photonic bound states in the continuum
(Nature, 2017-03-20)
Open AccessBound states in the continuum (BICs) are radiationless localized states embedded in the part of the parameter space that otherwise corresponds to radiative modes. Many decades after their original prediction1, 2, 3 and ... -
Self-sustained coherent phonon generation in optomechanical cavities
(IOP, 2016-08-18)
Open AccessOptical forces can set tiny objects in states of mechanical self-sustained oscillation, spontaneously generating periodic signals by extracting power from steady sources. Miniaturized self-sustained coherent phonon sources ... -
On multidimensional solitons and their legacy in contemporary Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics
(IOP, 2016-08-22)
Open AccessThis viewpoint relates to an article by B A Malomed, D Mihalache, F Wise, and L Torner (2005 J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 7 R53–R72) and was published as part of a series of viewpoints celebrating 50 of the most ... -
Localization-delocalization wavepacket transition in Pythagorean aperiodic potentials
(Nature, 2016-09-02)
Open AccessWe introduce a composite optical lattice created by two mutually rotated square patterns and allowing observation of continuous transformation between incommensurate and completely periodic structures upon variation of ... -
Topological States in Partially-PT -Symmetric Azimuthal Potentials
(APS, 2015-11-04)
Open AccessWe introduce partially-parity-time (pPT)-symmetric azimuthal potentials composed from individual PT-symmetric cells located on a ring, where two azimuthal directions are nonequivalent in a sense that in such potential ... -
Stabilization of spatiotemporal solitons in Kerr media by dispersive coupling
Open AccessWe introduce a mechanism to stabilize spatiotemporal solitons in Kerr nonlinear media, based on the dispersion of linear coupling between the field components forming the soliton states. Specifically, we consider solitons ... -
Dynamic versus Anderson wave-packet localization
(APS Physics, 2015-06-18)
Open AccessWe address the interplay between two fundamentally different wavepacket localization mechanisms, namely resonant dynamic localization due to collapse of quasi-energy bands in periodic media and disorder-induced Anderson ... -
Stabilization of spatiotemporal solitons in Kerr media by dispersive coupling
(OSA, 2015-03-11)
Open AccessWe introduce a mechanism to stabilize spatiotemporal solitons in Kerr nonlinear media, based on the dispersion of linear coupling between the field components forming the soliton states. Specifically, we consider solitons ...