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Quantum surface-response of metals revealed by acoustic graphene plasmons
(Nature, 2021-06-01)
Open AccessA quantitative understanding of the electromagnetic response of materials is essential for the precise engineering of maximal, versatile, and controllable light–matter interactions. Material surfaces, in particular, are ... -
Electrical tunability ofterahertz nonlinearity in graphene
(Science, 2021-04-07)
Open AccessGraphene is conceivably the most nonlinear optoelectronic material we know. Its nonlinear optical coefficients in the terahertz frequency range surpass those of other materials by many orders of magnitude. Here, we show ... -
Thermoelectric detection and imaging of 1 propagating graphene plasmons
(Nature, 2016-09-19)
Open AccessControlling, detecting and generating propagating plasmons by all-electrical means is at the heart of on-chip nano-optical processing1, 2, 3. Graphene carries long-lived plasmons that are extremely confined and controllable ... -
Extraordinary linear dynamic range in laser-defined functionalized graphene photodetectors
(Science, 2017-05-26)
Open AccessGraphene-based photodetectors have demonstrated mechanical flexibility, large operating bandwidth, and broadband spectral response. However, their linear dynamic range (LDR) is limited by graphene’s intrinsic hot-carrier ... -
Real-space mapping of tailored sheet and edge plasmons in graphene nanoresonators
Open AccessPlasmons in graphene nanoresonators have many potential applications in photonics and optoelectronics, including room-temperature infrared and terahertz photodetectors, sensors, reflect arrays or modulators1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... -
High Quality Factor Mechanical Resonators Based on WSe2 Monolayers
(ACS, 2016-07-26)
Open AccessSuspended monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) are membranes that combine ultralow mass and exceptional optical properties, making them intriguing materials for opto-mechanical applications. However, the low ... -
Direct observation of ultraslow hyperbolic polariton propagation with negative phase velocity
(Nature Publishing Group, 2015-09-14)
Restricted access - publisher's policyPolaritons with hyperbolic dispersion are key to many emerging photonic technologies, including subdiffraction imaging, sensing and spontaneous emission engineering1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Fundamental to their effective ... -
Thermodynamic picture of ultrafast charge transport in graphene
(Nature Publishing Group, 2015-07-16)
Open AccessThe outstanding charge transport properties of graphene enable numerous electronic applications of this remarkable material, many of which are expected to operate at ultrahigh speeds. In the regime of ultrafast, sub-picosecond ... -
Electrical control of optical emitter relaxation pathways enabled by graphene
(Nature Publishing Group, 2015-01-19)
Open AccessControlling the energy flow processes and the associated energy relaxation rates of a light emitter is of fundamental interest and has many applications in the fields of quantum optics, photovoltaics, photodetection, ... -
Ultrafast electronic readout of diamond nitrogen–vacancy centres coupled to graphene
(Nature Publishing Group, 2014-12-01)
Open AccessNon-radiative transfer processes are often regarded as loss channels for an optical emitter1 because they are inherently difficult to access experimentally. Recently, it has been shown that emitters, such as fluorophores ... -
Highly confined low-loss plasmons in graphene–boron nitride heterostructures
(Nature Publishing Group, 2014-12-22)
Open AccessGraphene plasmons were predicted to possess simultaneous ultrastrong field confinement and very low damping, enabling new classes of devices for deep-subwavelength metamaterials, single-photon nonlinearities, extraordinarily ... -
Hot-carrier photocurrent effects at graphene–metal interfaces
(IOP, 2015-03-02)
Open AccessPhotoexcitation of graphene leads to an interesting sequence of phenomena, some of which can be exploited in optoelectronic devices based on graphene. In particular, the efficient and ultrafast generation of an electron ...