Recent Submissions

  • Laser-induced electron diffraction of the ultrafast umbrella motion in ammonia 

    Belsa, B.; Amini, K.; Liu, X.; Sánchez, A.; Steinle, T.; Steinmetzer, J.; Le, A. T.; Moshammer, R.; Pfeifer, T.; Ullrich, J.; Moszynski, R.; Lin, C. D.; Grafe, S.; Biegert, Jens (AIP, 2021-01-13)
    Open Access
    Visualizing molecular transformations in real-time requires a structural retrieval method with Ångström spatial and femtosecond temporal atomic resolution. Imaging of hydrogen-containing molecules additionally requires an ...
  • Attosecond state-resolved carrier motion in quantum materials probed by soft x-ray XANES 

    Buades, Bárbara; Picón, Antonio; Berger, Emma; León, Iker; Palo, Nicola di; Cousin, Seth L.; Cocchi, Caterina; Pellegrin, Eric; Herrero Martin, Javier; Mañas-Valero, Samuel; Coronado, Eugenio; Danz, Thomas; Draxl, Claudia; Uemoto, Mitsuharu; Yabana, Kazuhiro; Schultze, Martin; Wall, Simon; Zürch, Michael; Biegert, Jens (AIP, 2021-03-10)
    Open Access
    Recent developments in attosecond technology led to table-top x-ray spectroscopy in the soft x-ray range, thus uniting the element- and state-specificity of core-level x-ray absorption spectroscopy with the time resolution ...
  • Molecular structure retrieval directly from laboratory-frame photoelectron spectra in laser-induced electron diffraction 

    Sánchez, A.; Amini, K.; Wang, S.-J.; Steinle, T.; Belsa, B.; Danek, J.; Le, A. T.; Liu, X.; Moshammer, R.; Pfeifer, T.; Richter, M.; Ullrich, J.; Gräfe, S.; Lin, C. D.; Biegert, Jens (Nature Research, 2021-03-09)
    Open Access
    Ubiquitous to most molecular scattering methods is the challenge to retrieve bond distance and angle from the scattering signals since this requires convergence of pattern matching algorithms or fitting methods. This ...
  • Role of high ponderomotive energy in laser-induced nonsequential double ionization 

    Shaaran, T.; Camus, N.; Dura, J.; Fechner, L.; Thai, A.; Britz, A.; Baudisch, M.; Steinle, T.; Senftleben, A.; Schröter, C. D.; Ullrich, J.; Pfeifer, T.; Keitel, C. H.; Biegert, Jens; Hatsagortsyan, K. Z.; Moshammer, R. (APS, 2019-02-19)
    Open Access
    The laser-induced nonsequential double ionization (NSDI) of rare gas atoms in the near and mid-IR laser fields is studied experimentally and theoretically. We investigate electron-electron correlation at high recollision ...
  • Symphony on strong field approximation 

    Amini, Kasra; Biegert, Jens; Calegari, Francesca; Chacón, Alexis; Ciappina, Marcelo F.; Dauphin, Alexandre; Efimov, Dmitry K.; Figueira de Morisson Faria, Carla; Giergiel, Krzysztof; Gniewek, Piotr; Landsman, Alexandra S.; Lesiuk, Michał; Mandrysz, Michał; Maxwell, Andrew S.; Moszynski, Robert; Ortmann, Lisa; Pérez-Hernández, Jose Antonio; Picón, Antonio; Pisanty, Emilio; Prauzner-Bechcicki, Jakub; Sacha, Krzysztof; Suárez, Noslen; Zaïr, Amelle; Zakrzewski, Jakub; Lewenstein, Maciej (IOP, 2019-10-14)
    Open Access
    This paper has been prepared by the Symphony collaboration (University of Warsaw, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, DESY/CNR and ICFO) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the ‘simple man’s models’ which underlie most of ...
  • Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of Dirac fermions in graphene 

    Baudisch, Matthias; Marini, Andrea; Cox, Joel D.; Zhu, Tony; Silva, Francisco; Teichmann, Stephan; Massicotte, Mathieu; Koppens, Frank H. L.; Levitov, Leonid S.; García de Abajo, Francisco Javier; Biegert, Jens (Nature, 2018-03-09)
    Open Access
    The speed of solid-state electronic devices, determined by the temporal dynamics of charge carriers, could potentially reach unprecedented petahertz frequencies through direct manipulation by optical fields, consisting ...
  • Next Generation Driver for Attosecond and Laser-plasma Physics 

    Rivas, D. E.; Borot, A.; Cardenas, D. E.; Marcus, G.; Gu, X.; Herrmann, D.; Xu, J.; Tan, J.; Kormin, D.; Ma, G.; Dallari, W.; Tsakiris, G. D.; Földes, I. B.; Chou, S.-w.; Weidman, M.; Bergues, B.; Wittmann, T.; Schröder, H.; Tzallas, P.; Charalambidis, D.; Razskazovskaya, O.; Pervak, V.; Krausz, F.; Veisz, L. (Nature, 2017-07-12)
    Open Access
    The observation and manipulation of electron dynamics in matter call for attosecond light pulses, routinely available from high-order harmonic generation driven by few-femtosecond lasers. However, the energy limitation of ...
  • Ultrafast electron diffraction imaging of bond breaking in di-ionized acetylene 

    Wolter, B.; Pullen, M. G.; Le, A.-T.; Baudisch, M.; Doblhoff-Dier, K.; Senftleben, A.; Hemmer, M.; Schröter, C. D.; Ullrich, J.; Pfeifer, T.; Moshammer, R.; Gräfe, S.; Vendrell, O.; Lin, C. D.; Biegert, Jens (Science, 2016-10-16)
    Open Access
    Visualizing chemical reactions as they occur requires atomic spatial and femtosecond temporal resolution. Here, we report imaging of the molecular structure of acetylene (C2H2) 9 femtoseconds after ionization. Using ...
  • Ultrashort pulse generation in the mid-IR 

    Pires, H.; Baudisch, M.; Sanchez, D.; Hemmer, M.; Biegert, Jens (Elsevier, 2015-09-01)
    Open Access
    Recent developments in laser sources operating in the mid-IR (3–8μm) have been motivated by the numerous possibilities for both fundamental and applied research. One example is the ability to unambiguously detect pollutants ...
  • Three-wave mixing mediated femtosecond pulse compression in BBO 

    Grün, A.; Austin, Dane R.; Cousin, Seth L.; Biegert, Jens (OSA, 2015-10-15)
    Open Access
    Nonlinear pulse compression mediated by three-wave mixing is demonstrated for ultrashort Ti:sapphire pulses in a type II phase-matched 𝛽�β-barium borate (BBO) crystal using noncollinear geometry. 170 μJ pulses at 800 nm ...
  • Kinematically complete measurements of strong eld ionisation with mid-IR pulses 

    Pullen, Michael G.; Dura, Judith; Wolter, Benjamin; Baudisch, Matthias; Hemmer, Michael; Camus, Nicolas; Senftleben, Arne; Schroeter, Claus Dieter; Moshammer, Robert; Ullrich, Joachim; Biegert, Jens (IOP, 2014-10-08)
    Open Access
    Recent observations of three unique peaks near 1 eV, 100 meV and 1 meV in the electron spectra generated by ionization using intense mid-IR pulses have challenged the current understanding of strong-field (SF) ionization. ...
  • Broadband mid-IR frequency comb with CSP and AGS from a Er,Tm:Ho fiber laser 

    Sánchez, D.; Hemmer, M.; Baudisch, M.; Zawilski, Kevin T.; Schunemann, P.; Hoogland, H.; Holzwarth, R.; Biegert, Jens (OSA, 2014-12-15)
    Open Access
    We report on the generation of a 2500 nm bandwidth frequency comb at 6.5 μm central wavelength based on critically phase-matched parametric down-conversion in the nonlinear crystal CdSiP 2 CdSiP2 (CSP), driven by a ...

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