dc.contributor.author | Granados García, Javier A.J. |
dc.contributor.author | Márquez, Isabel |
dc.contributor.author | Mora Serrano, Javier |
dc.contributor.author | Fontcuberta, Josep |
dc.contributor.author | Obradors Berenguer, Xavier |
dc.contributor.author | Pallarés, J. |
dc.contributor.author | Bosch Tous, Ricardo |
dc.contributor.other | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Resistència de Materials i Estructures a l'Enginyeria |
dc.contributor.other | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-06-06T15:46:44Z |
dc.date.available | 2014-06-06T15:46:44Z |
dc.date.created | 1997 |
dc.date.issued | 1997 |
dc.identifier.citation | Granados, X. [et al.]. Hysteresis motor with self sustained rotor for high speed applications. A: European Conference on Applied Superconductivity. "Applied Superconductivity 1997". Holanda: Institute of Physics (IOP), 1997, p. 1527-1530. |
dc.identifier.isbn | 9780750304870 |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/2117/23183 |
dc.description.abstract | Pellets of YBCO HTSC have been used to construct a cylindrically shaped rotor. A four poles/four phases stator has been wound in order to build a motor. The motor behaves as an hysteresis motor when it starts and as synchronous in the steady state. The levitation forces associated to the flux inside the rotor region and the flux dispersed at the basal surfaces contribute to maintain the rotor anchored to its cavity in a self-sustained configuration. Power and torque in the synchronous regime, centering forces, static excitation field mapping and field distribution at the HTSC surface have been investigated. |
dc.format.extent | 4 p. |
dc.language.iso | eng |
dc.publisher | Institute of Physics (IOP) |
dc.subject | Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria mecànica::Motors |
dc.subject | Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Física::Física de l'estat sòlid::Superconductors |
dc.subject.lcsh | High temperature superconductors--Industrial applications |
dc.title | Hysteresis motor with self sustained rotor for high speed applications |
dc.type | Conference report |
dc.subject.lemac | Superconductors a altes temperatures |
dc.contributor.group | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (MC)2 - Grup de Mecànica Computacional en Medis Continus |
dc.contributor.group | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GRICCA - Grup Interdepartamental per a la Col.laboració Científica Aplicada |
dc.rights.access | Open Access |
local.identifier.drac | 14901015 |
dc.description.version | Postprint (published version) |
local.citation.author | Granados, X.; Márquez, I.; Mora, J.; Fontcuberta, J.; Obradors, X.; Pallarés, J.; Bosch, R. |
local.citation.contributor | European Conference on Applied Superconductivity |
local.citation.pubplace | Holanda |
local.citation.publicationName | Applied Superconductivity 1997 |
local.citation.startingPage | 1527 |
local.citation.endingPage | 1530 |
local.origen | MAP_CIMNE |