Zalonis, Andreas; Polydoros, Andreas; Rubio López, Javier; Pascual Iserte, Antonio; Gregori, Maria; Payaró, Miquel; Abrignani, Melchiorre D.; Giupponi, Lorenza; Cichon, Krzysztof; Louet, Yves; Nafka, Amor; Caus López, Marius; Pérez Neira, Ana Isabel; Mackowiak, Michal; Beko, Marko; Oliveira, Carla; Correia, Luis M.; Moretti, Marco; Pérez Romero, Jordi; Koutlia, Aikaterini; Agustí Comes, Ramon; Kliks, Adrian; Kryszkiewicz, Pawel; Bogucka, Hanna; Boukhatem, Lila; del Fiorentino, Paolo; Andreotti, Ricardo; Giannetti, Filipo; Lottici, Vincenzo; Van Hecke, Jeroen; Moeneclaey, Marc; Koseoglu, Mehmet; Karasan, Ezhan; Chen, Lin; Bacci, Giacomo; Belmega, Veronica; Debbah, Mérouane; Mertikopoulos, Panayotis; Sanguinetti, Luca; Stupia, Ivan; Vandendorpe, Luc; Bassi, Francesca; Kieffer, Michel (2014-10)
Research report
Open Access
The report presents the status of the research work of the
various Joint Research Activities (JRA) in WP1.3 and the results
that were developed up to the second year of the project. For
each activity there is a description, ...