PROCOMAME - Processos de Conformació de Materials Metàl·lics
El grup centra la seva activitat de recerca en l’estudi dels mecanismes mecànics i físics dels materials, en particular dels aliatges metàl•lics, involucrats en els diferents processos de fabricació de components mecànics i estructurals. Es dedica un interès especial als processos basats en la deformació plàstica, en fred i en calent, com forja, extrusió, estiratge, pulvimetal•lúrgia i estampació de xapa.
L’objectiu bàsic consisteix a desenvolupar models i equacions constitutives del material que permetin la posterior simulació mitjançant càlcul numèric (FEM) dels processos. La generalització en la utilització de nous aliatges metàl•lics (acers d’ultraalta resistència, aliatges de gra ultrafí, aluminis, titanis...) dependrà de l’adaptació dels processos clàssics de conformació i del desenvolupament de nous processos. Per aquest motiu seran també objecte d’estudi altres processos de gran projecció industrial, com recobriments superficials del tipus PVD i CVD, soldadura làser, thixocasting, emmotllament per injecció, etc.
La majoria dels membres d’aquest grup tenen assignada la seva tasca de recerca al Centre Tecnològic de Manresa. Des d’aquest centre s’està duent a terme una àmplia tasca de transferència de tecnologia a empreses del sector metall-mecànic. Aquest grup de recerca es proposa transmetre els coneixements que té i genera en el seu camp mitjançant els cursos de primer i segon cicle que té encomanats, així com per mitjà del programa de doctorat del Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metal•lúrgica. Així mateix, ha col•laborat i està disposat a seguir fent-ho en màsters i cursos organitzats per altres organismes, com ASCAMM i la Fundació Politècnica.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [259]
Recent Submissions
Ball burnishing of friction stir welded aluminum alloy 2024-T3: experimental and numerical studies
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022-08-28)
Open AccessThis paper deals with the improvement of the material surface state of friction stir welding paths modified in situ by plastic deformation through ball burnishing. The metallurgical and topological states of materials ... -
Microstructural analysis of a partially recrystallized nickel-based superalloy undergoing delta-processing
Open AccessLarge volume fractions of stable d-phase in nickel-based superalloys, such as in Inconel 718 (IN718), are being avoided in the forging industry because of their deleterious effect in causing brittleness. However, it has ... -
Dislocation study of ARMCO iron processed by ECAP
Open AccessThe aim of this work was to study the deformation behavior of an Armco iron after severe plastic deformation by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP). Particular attention was paid to predict the dislocation density by ... -
On the microstructure and texture of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy after severe plastic deformation by ECAP
Open AccessSamples of a commercial Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr (wt.%) alloy were subjected to severe plastic deformation at room temperature using equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) up to 16 passes via route Bc. The microstructure and texture ... -
Heterogeneity of strain path, texture and microstructure evolution of AA6063-T6 processed by Equal Channel Angular Sheet Extrusion (ECASE)
Open AccessAn Aluminum alloy 6063T6 was processed at room temperature by Equal Channel Angular Sheet Extrusion (ECASE). Microstructure evolution was investigated by Electron Back Scattering Diffraction (EBSD), and X-ray diffraction ... -
Geometrically Necessary Dislocations (GNDs) in iron processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP)
Open AccessThe calculation of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations (GNDs) in iron processed by ECAP has been carried out via Electron Back Scatter-Diffraction (EBSD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Transmission microscopy ... -
Inducing heterogeneity in an austenitic stainless steel by equal channel angular sheet extrusion (ECASE)
(Elsevier, 2019-04)
Open AccessAn austenitic stainless steel was processed at room temperature by equal channel angular sheet extrusion (ECASE). The microstructure evolution was heterogeneous across the sheet thickness with a higher martensitic ... -
Back stress and strength contributions evolution of a heterogeneous austenitic stainless steel obtained after one pass by equal channel angular sheet extrusion (ECASE)
Open AccessThis research work studies the different strength contributions of a sheet-shaped heterogeneous austenitic stainless steel, after having been processed at room temperature by one ECASE pass. A significant hardness increase ... -
Mechanical and microstructural behavior of a heterogeneous austenitic stainless steel processed by Equal Channel Angular Sheet Extrusion (ECASE)
Open AccessA sheet-shaped austenitic stainless steel (ASS) was processed by one ECASE pass. In this way, larger deformations were introduced close to the sheet edge vicinities, while the middle zone remained less affected by the ... -
Influence of cold deformation on microstructure, crystallographic orientation and tensile properties of an experimental austenitic Fe–26Mn-0.4C steel
(Elsevier, 2022-07)
Open AccessThe correlation between microstructure, crystallographic orientation and grain boundaries characteristics of an austenitic high manganese steel was systematically investigated. The as-received and cold-rolled specimens ... -
Viscoelastic characterization of a thermoplastic elastomer processed through material extrusion
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022-07-18)
Open AccessObjective. We aim to characterize the viscoelastic behavior of Polyether-Block-Amide (PEBA 90A), provide reference values for the parameters of a constitutive model for the simulation of mechanical behaviors, and paying ...