BIOMEC - Biomechanical Engineering Lab
El grup d’Enginyeria Biomecànica (BIOMEC) és un grup de recerca de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) i una de les set arees del Centre de Recerca d’Enginyeria Biomèdica (CREB). La missió del Grup és doble. En primer lloc, desenvolupem models biomecànics multicèntrics per analitzar i simular la dinàmica del moviment humà per a aplicacions clíniques i esportives. En segon lloc, a partir dels models anteriors, dissenyem i construïm dispositius robòtics personalitzats que milloren el moviment humà i la neurorehabilitació. El grup disposa d'un laboratori d'anàlisi de moviment d'última generació que inclou un sistema de captura de moviment, plaques de força, electromiografia (EMG) i un sistema de mesurament de la pressió en el calçat. Els projectes actuals se centren en el desenvolupament d'exoesquelets robòtics de les extremitats inferiors per ajudar les persones lesionades de la medul·la espinal, així com en l'anàlisi del moviment humà per avaluar els resultats de les intervencions clíniques i els tractaments. El laboratori també fa recerca sobre altres temes fonamentals de l'enginyeria mecànica.
El Laboratorio de Ingeniería Biomecánica (BIOMEC) es un grupo de investigación de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) y una de las siete áreas del Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Biomédica (CREB). La misión del laboratorio es doble. Primero, desarrollamos modelos biomecánicos multicuerpo para analizar y simular la dinámica del movimiento humano para aplicaciones clínicas y deportivas. En segundo lugar, en base a los modelos anteriores, diseñamos y construimos dispositivos robóticos personalizados que mejoran el movimiento humano y la neurorrehabilitación. El grupo cuenta con un laboratorio de análisis de movimiento de última generación que comprende un sistema de captura de movimiento, placas de fuerza, electromiografía (EMG) y un sistema de medición de presión en el zapato. Los proyectos actuales se centran en el desarrollo de exoesqueletos robóticos de extremidades inferiores para ayudar a las personas lesionadas de la médula espinal, así como en el análisis del movimiento humano para evaluar los resultados de las intervenciones clínicas y los tratamientos. El laboratorio también investiga otros temas fundamentales de la ingeniería mecánica.
The Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) is a research group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and one of the seven areas of the Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB). The mission of the lab is twofold. First, we develop multibody biomechanical models to analyse and simulate the dynamics of human movement for clinical and sport applications. Second, based on the previous models, we design and build personalized robotic devices that enhance human movement and neurorehabilitation. The group has a state-of-the-art motion analysis laboratory comprising a motion capture system, force plates, electromyography (EMG) and an in-shoe pressure measurement system. Current projects focus on the development of lower limb robotic exoskeletons to assist spinal cord injured subjects, as well as on the analysis of human movement to assess the outcomes of clinical interventions and treatments. The lab also does research on other fundamental topics of mechanical engineering.
The Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) is a research group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and one of the seven areas of the Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB). The mission of the lab is twofold. First, we develop multibody biomechanical models to analyse and simulate the dynamics of human movement for clinical and sport applications. Second, based on the previous models, we design and build personalized robotic devices that enhance human movement and neurorehabilitation. The group has a state-of-the-art motion analysis laboratory comprising a motion capture system, force plates, electromyography (EMG) and an in-shoe pressure measurement system. Current projects focus on the development of lower limb robotic exoskeletons to assist spinal cord injured subjects, as well as on the analysis of human movement to assess the outcomes of clinical interventions and treatments. The lab also does research on other fundamental topics of mechanical engineering.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [35]
Recent Submissions
In vivo measurements and simulations to investigate the role of muscle coordination on knee contact and tendon loading after total knee replacement
Conference report
Open Access -
Immediate Biomechanical Effects of Providing Adaptive Assistance With an Ankle Exoskeleton in Individuals After Stroke
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022-07-03)
Open AccessRecent studies on ankle exoskeletons have shown the feasibility of this technology for post-stroke gait rehabilitation. The main contribution of the present work is a comprehensive experimental analysis and protocol that ... -
Evaluation of the Beam-F3 method for locating the F3 position from the 10–20 international system
Open AccessElectromagnetic brain transcranial stimulation techniques have emerged to treat certain pathologies that require precise anatomical localization in the scalp to access the underlying cortical targets. For example, repetitive ... -
The effect of prosthetic alignment on the stump temperature and ground reaction forces during gait in transfemoral amputees
Open AccessBackground Lower limb prosthetic alignment is a procedure mostly subjective. A prosthetic misaligned induces gait deviations and long-term joint diseases. The alignment effects for each lower limb and the stump stays ... -
Experiencia piloto de mejora del proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje mediante la gamificación. Caso práctico en ingeniería mecánica
(Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 2017)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyExisten diversas actividades e-learning que permiten mejorar el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje aumentando simultáneamente el interés del alumnado. Entre estas técnicas e-learning se encuentra la gamificación mediante la ... -
Análisis de la retroalimentación gamificada en tiempo real. Caso práctico en asignaturas de ingeniería mecánica
(Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), 2018)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyLas herramientas de gamificación son una metodología pedagógica que, aplicada a la enseñanza, pretende que el alumnado profundice en los contenidos o competencias deseados a través de un juego o competición. Entre estas ... -
Exoskeleton Design Using Subject-Specific Synergy-Driven Neuromusculoskeletal Models
(Springer Nature, 2022-01-01)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyMost assistive devices available today are unable to improve gait asymmetries due to the lack of knowledge on how to directly enforce kinematic symmetry in the formulation of cost functions. We designed a cost function to ... -
TAILOR: Patient-specific hybrid wearable systems for walking rehabilitation
Conference report
Open AccessPersonalization of robotic exoskeletons for walking assistance to the end user is still a challenge for this technology. The TAILOR project aims to create hybrid and modular robotic-neuroprosthetic wearable systems that ... -
Modelling neuromusculoskeletal response to functional electrical stimulation
Conference lecture
Open AccessA model for functional electrical stimulation with hysteretic muscle recruitment is used to reproduce experimental tibialis anterior stimulation to control ankle dorsiflexion. The subject-specific parameters of the muscle ... -
Desarrollo de sistemas modulares robóticos y neuroprotésicos personalizables para la asistencia de la marcha patológica a través del diseño centrado en el usuario: Proyecto TAILOR
Conference report
Open AccessCurrently available wereable exoskeletons and neuroprosthetic gait assistive devices have controverted efficacy and low penetration into rehabilitation centers because they are generic solutions that do not consider the ... -
Evaluation of optimal control formulations for predicting swing-through axillary crutch-assisted gait
Conference report
Open AccessCrutches are widely used to assist gait in individuals with lower limb impairment. Walking with crutches alters both upper and lower body loading, potentially leading to discomfort. As such, it is important to study how ... -
Identification of human joint impedance using a wearable powered knee exoskeleton
Conference report
Open AccessJoint impedance is the mechanical property that describes the dynamical relationship between joint angle and torque. It provides a description of the neuromechanical behavior of a joint and it is regulated according to the ...