LRG - Lightning Research Group
La recerca del nostre grup és en l'Electricitat Atmosfèrica i especialment en el fenomen del llamp. A la recerca bàsica treballem en: l'estudi de la física del fenomen del llamp; els esdeveniments lluminosos a l'alta atmosfera TLE; les emissions terrestres d'alta energia TGF; les emissions d’altes energies en llamps i descàrregues elèctriques; l'activitat de llamps en tempestes severes; i els camps electromagnètics produïts per llamps. També realitzem recerca aplicada en: la protecció contra el llamp d’aerogeneradors i avions; sistemes de seguiment i avís de tempestes; assaigs d'alta tensió al laboratori; etc. Bona part de la recerca del grup es centra en la missió ASIM de l’ESA on hem establert el Laboratori natural de la Vall de l'Ebre amb les instal·lacions de referència a Europa com ara: la torre de mesura de llamps del Niu de l’Àliga; la xarxa de traçat de llamps 3D Lightning Mapping Array, càmeres d’alta velocitat, interferòmetres VHF, detectors d'altes energies; i altres.
La investigación de nuestro grupo se desarrolla en el ámbito de la electricidad atmosférica y especialmente sobre el fenómeno del rayo. En la investigación básica trabajamos en el estudio de la física del fenómeno del rayo; los acontecimientos luminosos en la alta atmósfera (TLE); las emisiones terrestres de alta energía (TGF);
las emisiones de altas energías en rayos y descargas eléctricas; la actividad de los rayos en tormentas severas, y los campos electromagnéticos producidos por los rayos. También realizamos investigación aplicada en la protección contra el rayo de aerogeneradores y aviones; los sistemas de seguimiento y aviso de tormentas; los ensayos de alta tensión en el laboratorio, etc. Una buena parte de la investigación del grupo se centra en la misión ASIM de la ESA, a la que contribuimos mediante el Laboratorio del Valle del Ebro, que contiene instalaciones de referencia en Europa, como la torre de medición de rayos del Niu de l’Àliga; la red de trazado de rayos 3D (lightning mapping array); cámaras de alta velocidad; interferómetros VHF;detectores de altas energías, y otros.
Our group's research tackles the field of atmospheric electricity and particularly the phenomenon of lightning. In our basic research we study the physics of lightning, transient luminous events (TLEs) in the upper atmosphere, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs), high-energy emissions in lightning and electrical discharges, lightning activity in severe storms and electromagnetic fields produced by lightning. We also carry out applied research on lightning protection for wind turbines and aircraft, storm monitoring and warning systems, high-voltage laboratory tests, etc. Much of the Group's research focuses on the ESA's ASIM mission, to which we contribute via the Ebro Valley Laboratory’s benchmark European facilities, such as the lightning measurement tower in Niu de l’Àliga, a lightning mapping array, high-speed cameras, VHF interferometers and high energy detectors. Lightning physics and effects and atmospheric electricity processes. Lightning effects and protection on electrical systems, wind turbines and aircraft. Lightning location systems, observation and measurement of lightning parameters. Observation of mesospheric electrical discharges. High voltage test and research on the energetic processes of electrical sparks. Research on the protection of composite materials employed in aerospace and wind energy industry. Electromagnetic simulation and testing of complex structures.
Our group's research tackles the field of atmospheric electricity and particularly the phenomenon of lightning. In our basic research we study the physics of lightning, transient luminous events (TLEs) in the upper atmosphere, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs), high-energy emissions in lightning and electrical discharges, lightning activity in severe storms and electromagnetic fields produced by lightning. We also carry out applied research on lightning protection for wind turbines and aircraft, storm monitoring and warning systems, high-voltage laboratory tests, etc. Much of the Group's research focuses on the ESA's ASIM mission, to which we contribute via the Ebro Valley Laboratory’s benchmark European facilities, such as the lightning measurement tower in Niu de l’Àliga, a lightning mapping array, high-speed cameras, VHF interferometers and high energy detectors. Lightning physics and effects and atmospheric electricity processes. Lightning effects and protection on electrical systems, wind turbines and aircraft. Lightning location systems, observation and measurement of lightning parameters. Observation of mesospheric electrical discharges. High voltage test and research on the energetic processes of electrical sparks. Research on the protection of composite materials employed in aerospace and wind energy industry. Electromagnetic simulation and testing of complex structures.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [68]
Presentacions [1]
Recent Submissions
Investigation of GLM detections of negative continuing currents observed by high-speed video and narrow-band 777 nm photometer
(Elsevier, 2025-02)
Open AccessLightning flashes with continuing currents are characterized by high energy transfer to ground that produces severe damage to electric power systems. Novel space-based optical lightning detection systems offer new possibilities ... -
Recurrent lightning spots with different lightning return period
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyRecurrent lightning spots (RLS) is a recent concept that explores places that experience lightning year after year. This article presents an analysis of the RLS concerning the recurrence interval. We adapt the concept of ... -
Evidence of a new population of weak terrestrial gamma-ray flashes observed from aircraft altitude
Open AccessTerrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) are ten-to-hundreds of microsecond bursts of gamma-rays produced when electrons in strong electric fields in thunderclouds are accelerated to relativistic energies. Space instruments ... -
Ground-based observations of 337 nm and 777 nm optical emissions produced by lightning
(John Wiley & sons, 2024-05-11)
Open AccessLightning flashes were observed in Barrancabermeja (Colombia) by two photometers centered at 337 and 777 nm wavelengths, a high-speed camera, and the Colombia Lightning Mapping Array. Both optical and VHF radio emissions ... -
Recurrent lightning spots: where lightning strikes more than twice
(John Wiley & sons, 2024-03-16)
Open AccessThe expression “lightning never strikes twice” is questioned in this paper because, among the randomness of lightning impacts, some spots are hit even more than twice year after year. This article introduces the recurrent ... -
High production of gigantic jets by a thunderstorm over Indian Ocean
(John Wiley & sons, 2023-11-16)
Open AccessThirteen gigantic jets (GJ) were observed on 12 February 2020, with a sensitive video camera located at Maïdo Observatory, La Réunion Island in Indian Ocean. They were produced within 68 min by nearby cells embedded in a ... -
Análisis de estructuras de carga de dos tormentas eléctricas registradas por lared Lightning Mapping Array en el Magdalena Medio colombiano
Open AccessA partir de la ubicación de la red Lightning Mapping Array LMA en límites de los municipios de Barrancabermeja y Yondó en 2018, se han tomado datos ininterrumpidos de descargas IC y CG que ocurren sobre esta zona de estudio. ... -
Spectroscopy of a mesospheric ghost reveals iron emissions
Open AccessMesospheric Green emissions from excited Oxygen in Sprite Tops (ghosts) are infrequent and faint greenish transient luminous events that remain for hundreds of milliseconds on top of certain energetic sprites. The main ... -
Lightning-produced nitrogen oxides per flash length obtained by using TROPOMI observations and the Ebro lightning mapping array
Open AccessLightning is one of the main sources of NOx in the Earth's atmosphere. However, there is a large variability in NOx production during the lifetime of thunderstorms. In this study, we used the TROPOspheric Monitoring ... -
New era of lightning detection from space: application to electric power systems
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyInformation about lightning activity and its parameters is necessary to design and evaluate the lightning protection of an electrical power system. This information can be obtained from ground-based lightning detection ... -
Winter lightning triggered by wind-turbines: the case of snowstorm Filomena
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyWinter storm Filomena battered the Iberian Peninsula on the 9-10th January 2021, covering the eastern half of Spain with a huge amount of snow. Apart from the historical snowfall, lightning activity was observed during ... -
Experimental study of the charge saturation levels of an aircraft with an active electrostatic charge control system
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyArtificially charging an aircraft might reduce the risk of triggered-lightning. In this study, we explore the charging limits of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle charged using an artificial electrostatic charge control system ...