Recent Submissions

  • Fonts docmentals per a la redacció del Pla Director de la Casa Batlló 

    Bosch Prat, Mireia; Olona Casas, Joan; Villanueva Álvarez, Xavier (Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), 2021)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Les imatges històriques de la planta noble de la Casa Batlló, habitada el 1927, mostren envans, portes, estucs i baranes que en el període comprès entre 1955 i 1990 van ser alterats i/o eliminats. Aquest període es pot ...
  • Towards learning architectural construction and rehabilitation using metaverse envorinments 

    Cornadó Bardón, Còssima; Onecha Pérez, Ana Belén; Morros Cardona, Jordi; Pons Valladares, Oriol (International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2023)
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    Improving the learning process of construction and rehabilitation is one of the current teaching challenges in studies related to buildings. Most students have difficulties in understanding how construction parts - ...
  • Les-energy seed and health. From school to home: towards a model to raise awareness about the benefits and co-benefits of energy retrofitting in the residential buildings 

    Crespo Sánchez, Eva; Onecha Pérez, Ana Belén; Pons Valladares, Oriol; Marmolejo Duarte, Carlos Ramiro (World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning, 2022)
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    Project LES (Energy seed and health. From school to home), co-financed by Educació científica, cultura científica i divulgació a la recerca program has the aim to promote education, culture and scientific dissemination to ...
  • From preliminary studies to restauro of Casa Batlló by Antoni Gaudí 

    Olona Casas, Joan; Bosch Prat, Mireia; Villanueva Álvarez, Xavier; Villanueva Álvarez, Ignasi (Universidad de Cantabria, 2022)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Las imágenes históricas de la planta noble de la Casa Batlló, habitada en 1927, nos muestran tabiques, puertas, estucos y barandillas que en el periodo comprendido entre 1955 y 1990 fueron alterados y / o eliminados. Este ...
  • El incomprensible equilibrio de la cúpula del templete neoclásico del parque Torreblanca 

    Onecha Pérez, Ana Belén; Dotor Navarro, Alicia María (Instituto Juan de Herrera, 2022)
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    El templete circular neoclásico objeto de esta comunicación se encuentra en el interior de los actuales jardines del parque Torreblanca, cuyos terrenos se extienden por tres de los municipios del Área Metropolitana de ...
  • The role of cultural heritage in urban reuse 

    Domènech Rodríguez, Marta; López López, David; Cornadó Bardón, Còssima (Publicacions de la Universitat de València (PUV), 2022)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Cities face the challenge of transforming existing buildings to be reused, particularly those that are underused or not used at all. Tackling this issue, the European Commission approved in 2014 a package of measures to ...
  • 4 X 4: methodology to design a set of 4 MOOCs between 4 entities under the same topic: Erasmus + smart rehabilitation 3.0 project 

    Onecha Pérez, Ana Belén; Bosch González, Montserrat; Bosch Prat, Mireia; Cornadó Bardón, Còssima; Crespo Sánchez, Eva; Martí Muñoz, Jordi (International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2022)
    Conference report
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    Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project, co-funded by European program Erasmus +, aims to define a new professional profile of “Building Rehabilitation Expert” and the creation of homogeneous curricula, validated at European ...
  • Interactive 360° website versus on-site visits for architecture students to achieve readiness in construction practice 

    Onecha Pérez, Ana Belén; Cornadó Bardón, Còssima; Morros Cardona, Jordi; Pons Valladares, Oriol (International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2022)
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    Learning practical-professional contents at the university has proven to be difficult and often not successful, as employers report regarding employed graduates’ knowledge and skills. In architecture and construction ...
  • Intuition and experimentation as teaching tools: physical and interactive computational models 

    López López, David; Domènech Rodríguez, Marta; Guirao Costas, Sergio (International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2022)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Structural design and analysis is generally not the favourite subject among architecture students, who find it hard to assimilate abstract structural concepts expressed in complex formulae, whose translation to specific ...
  • Accompanied self-renovation: a massive online course to meet the need of a professional rehabilitation expert in people-centered and low-cost renovations 

    Onecha Pérez, Ana Belén; Cornadó Bardón, Còssima; Bosch González, Montserrat; Bosch Prat, Mireia; Crespo Sánchez, Eva; Pérez, Almudena; Cabrera, René; Casanovas, Xavier; Rosell Amigó, Juan Ramón (2021)
    Conference lecture
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    The improvement of the built housing stock, especially in areas of social vulnerability, has become a need to be addressed in recent years by public administrations. Consequently, the need to train professionals in transversal ...
  • A method for the structural analysis and design of arched reinforced masonry and/or concrete structures 

    López López, David; Roca Fabregat, Pedro; Liew, Andrew; Van Mele, Tom; Block, Philippe (International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2021)
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    Extraordinary architectural examples of shell structures have been built using reinforced masonry and concrete. The current sparse use of this construction type can be attributed, among other reasons, to a lack of simple ...
  • Análisis histórico, funcional y constructivo del conjunto industrial Lámparas Z / Philips de Barcelona 

    Crispi Brillas, Albert; Cornadó Bardón, Còssima; Díaz Gómez, César (2013)
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    En el presente trabajo se estudia el conjunto de edificios industriales que forman la denominada manzana Philips, construida entre los años 1953 y 1962 en la Zona Franca de Barcelona por el ingeniero Antoni Grau y el ...

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