CS2AC-UPC - Supervision, Safety and Automatic Control
El Centre Específic de Recerca (CER) en Supervisió, Seguretat i Control Automàtic (CS2AC-UPC) és un grup multidisciplinari de professors de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) - Barcelona Tech - i investigadors del Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques (CSIC) dedicat a l'ampli món del control automàtic i la supervisió de sistemes.
L’objectiu principal del CER CS2AC-UPC és contribuir a la competitivitat de les nostres empreses i al coneixement científic i tècnic mitjançant el desenvolupament de sistemes avançats de control i el disseny de sistemes de supervisió òptims i tolerants a fallades de sistemes complexes. En aquest abast, els investigadors de CER CS2AC-UPC descriuen els sistemes dinàmics mitjançant models matemàtics, analitzen dinàmicament el seu comportament en domini temporal i freqüencial, localitzen de forma òptima sensors, dissenyen sistemes de control avançats (controladors predictius, controladors intel·ligents,..) i desenvolupen sistemes de supervisió que optimitzen criteris de funcionament sota diverses restriccions amb capacitat per predir, detectar i diagnosticar fallades i amb capacitat per crear mecanismes tolerants a possibles fallades en temps real dels sistemes complexes.
Aquest temes son utilitzats per els integrants del CER per abordar reptes científics i tecnològics diversos:
- Projectes de recerca nacional i internacional i de convenis de col·laboració pel desenvolupament de R+D+i amb empreses nacionals i internacionals.
- Una important activitat formativa de grau i postgrau fortament integrada amb la recerca del CER. Aquesta activitat formativa inclou la participació en 1 programa de doctorat amb menció de qualitat, en 2 màsters oficials, i 6 graus oficials.
- Uns laboratoris de recerca i uns espais de despatxos en el edifici GAIA del Campus de Terrassa de la UPC necessàries per dur a terme recerca de primer nivell en sistemes avançats de control.
El grup disposa de diverses fonts de finançament, tant en convocatòries publiques competitives a nivell Europeu, Espanyol i Català, com mitjançant convenis amb empreses, i projectes públics amb empreses de transferència de tecnologia i innovació.
El Centro Específico de Investigación (CER) en Supervisión, Seguridad y Control Automático (CS2AC-UPC) es un grupo multidisciplinar de profesores de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)-Barcelona Tech- e investigadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) dedicado al amplio mundo del control automático y la supervisión de sistemas.
El objetivo principal del CER CS2AC-UPC es contribuir a la competitividad de nuestras empresas y al conocimiento científico y técnico mediante el desarrollo de sistemas avanzados de control y el diseño de sistemas de supervisión óptimos y tolerantes a fallos de sistemas complejos. En este dominio, los investigadores de CER CS2AC-UPC describen los sistemas dinámicos mediante modelos matemáticos, analizan dinámicamente su comportamiento en dominio temporal y frecuencial, localizan de forma óptima sensores, diseñan sistemas de control avanzados (controladores predictivos, controladores inteligentes, ..) y desarrollan sistemas de supervisión que optimizan criterios de funcionamiento bajo diversas restricciones con capacidad para predecir, detectar y diagnosticar fallos y con capacidad para crear mecanismos tolerantes a posibles fallos en tiempo real de los sistemas complejos.
Estos temas son utilizados por los integrantes del CER para abordar retos científicos y tecnológicos diversos:
- Proyectos de investigación nacional e internacional y convenios de colaboración para el desarrollo de I + D + i con empresas nacionales e internacionales.
- Una importante actividad formativa de grado y postgrado fuertemente integrada con la investigación realizada en el CER. Esta actividad formativa incluye la participación en un programa de doctorado con mención de calidad, en 2 masters oficiales, y 6 grados oficiales.
- Laboratorios de investigación y espacios de despachos en el edificio GAIA del Campus de Terrassa de la UPC necesarias para llevar a cabo investigación de primer nivel en sistemas avanzados de control.
El grupo dispone de varias fuentes de financiación, tanto en convocatorias públicas competitivas a nivel Europeo, Español y Catalán, como mediante convenios con empresas, y proyectos públicos con empresas de transferencia de tecnología e innovación.
The Specific Research Center (CER) “Monitoring, Safety and Automatic Control” (CS2AC-UPC) is a multidisciplinary group of professors from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) -Barcelona Tech- and researchers of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) dedicated to the wider world of automatic control and monitoring systems.
The primary goal of CER CS2AC-UPC is to contribute to the competitiveness of our companies and scientific and technical knowledge by developing advanced control systems and design of optimal systems, fault-tolerant control of complex systems. In this domain, CER CS2AC-UPC researchers describe dynamical systems using mathematical models, dynamically analyze their behavior in time and frequency domain, optimally located sensors, design advanced control systems (predictive controllers, intelligent controllers, ..) and develop monitoring systems that optimize performance criteria under various restrictions with the capability of predicting, detecting and diagnosing faults and with ability to create fault-tolerant mechanisms in real time of complex systems.
These themes are used by members of the CER to address different scientific and technological challenges:
- Projects of national and international research and collaboration agreements for the development of R+D+i with national and international companies.
- A important training activity at undergraduate and graduate levels integrated with the research conducted at the CER. This training activity includes participation in a doctoral program with quality mention, in 2 official masters and 6 degrees.
- Research laboratories and offices spaces in the building GAIA Terrassa Campus of the UPC necessary to conduct innovative research in advanced control systems.
The group has several sources of funding, both in competitive at European level, Spanish and Catalan public calls, and through agreements with companies, enterprises and public projects with technology transfer and innovation.
The Specific Research Center (CER) “Monitoring, Safety and Automatic Control” (CS2AC-UPC) is a multidisciplinary group of professors from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) -Barcelona Tech- and researchers of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) dedicated to the wider world of automatic control and monitoring systems.
The primary goal of CER CS2AC-UPC is to contribute to the competitiveness of our companies and scientific and technical knowledge by developing advanced control systems and design of optimal systems, fault-tolerant control of complex systems. In this domain, CER CS2AC-UPC researchers describe dynamical systems using mathematical models, dynamically analyze their behavior in time and frequency domain, optimally located sensors, design advanced control systems (predictive controllers, intelligent controllers, ..) and develop monitoring systems that optimize performance criteria under various restrictions with the capability of predicting, detecting and diagnosing faults and with ability to create fault-tolerant mechanisms in real time of complex systems.
These themes are used by members of the CER to address different scientific and technological challenges:
- Projects of national and international research and collaboration agreements for the development of R+D+i with national and international companies.
- A important training activity at undergraduate and graduate levels integrated with the research conducted at the CER. This training activity includes participation in a doctoral program with quality mention, in 2 official masters and 6 degrees.
- Research laboratories and offices spaces in the building GAIA Terrassa Campus of the UPC necessary to conduct innovative research in advanced control systems.
The group has several sources of funding, both in competitive at European level, Spanish and Catalan public calls, and through agreements with companies, enterprises and public projects with technology transfer and innovation.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [12]
Recent Submissions
Distributed cooperative control for stepper motors synchronization
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper describes the design and simulation of a distributed cooperative control algorithm based on multi-agents to synchronize a group of stepper motors. Modeling of the two-phase hybrid stepper motor in closed loop ... -
Integration of cold ironing and renewable sources in the Barcelona smart port
Open AccessCold ironing, which is the procedure of supplying shoreside electrical power to a ship at berth when its engines are turned off, arises as the eco-friendly way to deliver power to ships while they are berthed in ports, ... -
A survey and evaluation of the potentials of distributed ledger technology for peer-to-peer transactive energy exchanges in local energy markets
Open AccessTheunpredictability and intermittency introduced by Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) in power systems may lead to unforeseen peaks of energy production, which might differ from energy demand. To manage these mismatches, a ... -
Doubly fed induction generator-based variable-speed wind turbine: proposal of a simplified model under a faulty grid with short-duration faults
Open AccessThe aim of this study is to provide a simplified model of a variable-speed wind turbine (VSWT) with the technology of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) which operates under faulty grid conditions. A simplified model ... -
Initialization of DFIG wind turbines with a phasor-based approach
Open AccessThe objective of this paper is to propose a simple approach to solve the steady state of a wind turbine (WT) equipped with a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) which can be used to initialize dynamic studies of the ... -
Analysis of the performance of MMC under fault conditions in HVDC-based off-shore wind farms
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016-04)
Open AccessThis paper analyzes the behavior of a modular multilevel converter-high-voltage direct-current (MMC HVDC)-connected offshore wind power plant (WPP) during dc faults. For that purpose, detailed models of the dc cable, MMC ... -
Voltage sag influence on controlled three-phase grid-connected inverters according to the Spanish grid code
Open AccessTo ensure the safe operation of the grid, there are some requirements to be taken into consideration to connect power converters. During abnormal conditions – e.g. during voltage sags –, the control of the converters is a ... -
Voltage recovery influence on three-phase grid-connected inverters under voltage sags
Open AccessFaults in power systems cause voltage sags, which, in turn, provoke large current peaks in grid-connected equipment. Then, a complete knowledge of the inverter behaviour is needed to meet fault ride-through capability. The ... -
Modeling and control of a three-phase grid-connected inverter under fault conditions
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe aim of this paper is to study the behavior of a three-phase inverter with an RL filter powered by a renewable energy source and connected to a grid under fault conditions. The novelty of the work lies in proposing a ... -
Testing of three-phase equipment under voltage sags
Open AccessThis paper provides insight into the testing of three-phase equipment exposed to voltage sags caused by faults. The voltage sag recovers at the fault-current zeros, leading to a ‘discrete’ voltage recovery, that is, the ... -
Detailed study of DFIG-based wind turbines to overcome the most severe grid faults
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper studies the effects of voltage sags caused by faults on doubly-fed induction generators to overcome grid faults. A wide range of sag duration and depth values is considered. It is observed that sag duration ... -
Behaviour of the doubly fed induction generator exposed to unsymmetrical voltage sags
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis study analyses the dynamic behaviour of the doubly fed induction generator exposed to unsymmetrical voltage sags, providing insights into wind turbine fault ride-through capability. The sags are assumed to be caused ...