Reports de recerca
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The role of life course and gender in mobility patterns: a spatiotemporal sequence analysis in Barcelona
Research report
Restricted access - publisher's policyCitizens participate in various activities to fulfill their needs, advance their socio-economic status, and enhance their well-being through social and health-related engagements. However, activity participation is influenced ... -
Healthy Twitter discussions? Time will tell
Research report
Open AccessStudying misinformation and how to deal with unhealthy behaviours within online discussions has recently become an important field of research within social studies. With the rapid development of social media, and the ... -
Analysing gender equality in Barcelona through (spatiotemporal) segmentation
Research report
Open AccessCitizens take part in different activities to satisfy their needs, to invest in their socio-economic progress, participate in social and health activities that improve their well-being. However, activity participation is ... -
Alimentación de un modelo de simulación mediante una conexión entre un sistema de información, R y SDLPS
Research report
Open AccessEste trabajo desarrolla una metodología para alimentar de forma más automatizada un modelo de simulación. Para ello se generó un código de programación hecho con el lenguaje R que: 1) se conecta con base de datos; 2) valida ... -
Approximating convex quadratic programming is P-complete
Research report
Open AccessIn this paper we show that the problem of Approximating Convex Quadratic Programming is P-complete. We also consider two approximation problems related to it, Solution Approximation and Value Approximation and show both ... -
Strong law for the depth of circuits
Research report
Open AccessThis paper studies uniformly distributed size n circuits (labelled acyclic graphs) consisting of binary gates and a constant number of inpurts. We show that their depth is asymptotically 2e ln n in probability. To this ... -
Soundness and completeness of the events method
Research report
Open AccessWe have proposed a new method, which we call the Events Method, for view updating in deductive databases. In this paper we prove that this method is sound and complete for stratified databases. -
Generació i simplificació automàtica de les regles d'esdeveniments interns corresponents a una base de dades deductiva
Research report
Open Access -
Actualització de vistes en bases de dades relacionals: l'estat de la qüestió
Research report
Open AccessAquest article és una síntesi dels mètodes proposats fins el moment actual per a resoldre el problema de l'actualització de vistes en bases de dades relacionals. Es distingeixen bàsicament dos enfocaments per a resoldre ... -
Comprovació de restriccions d'integritat i modificació de vistes en bases de dades deductives
Research report
Open AccessAquest treball descriu els conceptes bàsics de les bases de dades deductives i estudia algun dels problemes que aquestes tenen (comprovació de les restriccions d'integritat i modificació de vistes). Abans d'estudiar algunes ... -
Incremental integrity constraint checking in UML conceptual schemas
Research report
Open AccessIntegrity checking is aimed at efficiently determining whether the state of the information base is consistent after each operation execution. Incremental integrity checking exploits available information about the structural ... -
Estudio sobre la internacionalización de la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona (UPC): Datos académicos, de movilidad y acciones de internacionalización de la FIB y la UPC
Research report
Open AccessLa recopilación que se recoge en este documento constituye una parte importante de los datos que los autores hemos utilizado como soporte a la investigación que estamos llevando a cabo sobre la internacionalización de ...