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dc.contributor.authorRojek, Jerzy
dc.contributor.authorOñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio
dc.contributor.authorZárate Araiza, José Francisco
dc.contributor.authorRecarey Morfa, Carlos Alexander
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental
dc.identifier.citationRojek, J. [et al.]. "Discrete element modelling of rock cutting processes interaction with evaluation of tool wear". Barcelona: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2003. ISBN 84-95999-44-7.
dc.description.abstractThe document presents a numerical model of rocks and soils using spherical Discrete Elements, also called Distinct Elements. The motion of spherical elements is described by means of equations of rigid body dynamics. Explicit integration in time yields high computational efficiency. Spherical elements interact among one another with contact forces, both in normal and tangential directions. Efficient contact search scheme based on the octree structures has been implemented. Special constitutive model of contact interface taking into account cohesion forces allows us to model fracture and decohesion of materials. Numerical simulation predicts wear of rock cutting tools. The developed numerical algorithm of wear evaluation allows us us to predict evolution of the shape of the tool caused by wear. Results of numerical simulation are validated by comparison with experimental data.
dc.publisherInternational Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria civil::Geotècnia
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Matemàtiques i estadística::Anàlisi numèrica::Mètodes en elements finits
dc.subject.lcshGeotechnical engineering--Mathematical models
dc.subject.otherCIMNE Monograph
dc.subject.otherMonografía CIMNE
dc.titleDiscrete element modelling of rock cutting processes interaction with evaluation of tool wear
dc.subject.lemacEnginyeria geotécnica -- Models matemàtics
dc.contributor.groupUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GMNE - Grup de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria
dc.contributor.groupUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (MC)2 - Grup de Mecànica Computacional en Medis Continus
dc.rights.accessOpen Access
dc.description.versionPostprint (published version)
local.citation.authorRojek, J.; Oñate, E.; Zarate, J.; Recarey, C.
local.citation.publicationNameDiscrete element modelling of rock cutting processes interaction with evaluation of tool wear

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