Basic design project of a stratospheric balloon
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Document typeBachelor thesis
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The current applications that can be given to the so called scientific ballooning (or stratospheric ballooning) extend to different fields. They are not only a tool to study the atmospheric layers particularities but also a. way to overcome the densest part of the atmosphere, allowing thus, to fly rockets or satellites from the balloon it self. This is an important step towards the lowering of polluting substances, since the amount of fuel required for such operations would be incredibly lower. To fit the requirements, balloons shall be accurately designed in order to reach the mission specifications the best way possible. This is what triggers this project to be done. Making a software able to design the balloon required for a specific mission data set by a user. A program that also alluws amateur users to build their own balloon ,vithout the specific knowledge of the mathematics required to do it meticulously. In short, a program that eases the process of designing a zero pressure balloon.
Dimensionar un globo estratosférico de forma paramétrica, en función de las actuaciones deseadasPrediseño de la forma exterior y componentes principalesEspecificación de la forma de fabricación
Files | Description | Size | Format | View |
TFG REPORT_SVM.pdf | 9,346Mb | Restricted access | ||
Annex I_SVM_0.pdf | 1,904Mb | Restricted access | ||
Annex II_SVM_0.pdf | 3,378Mb | Restricted access | ||
Annex III_SVM_0.pdf | 1,829Mb | Restricted access | ||
Budget_SVM_0.pdf | 688,3Kb | Restricted access | ||
TFG assessment template - SVM_0.pdf | 419,8Kb | Restricted access |