The inSSIDE group is conducting research in several areas of software and service engineering in the areas of: requirements engineering, agile software development, software evolution, information management, self-adaptive systems (and application in the smart vehicles domain), software monitoring, open source adoption, database technologies.

Recent Submissions

  • An elastic software architecture for extreme-scale big data analytics 

    Serrano Garcia, Maria Aston; Marín, César A.; Queralt Calafat, Anna; Cordeiro, Cristovao; González Hierro, Marco; Pinho, Luis Miguel; Quiñones Moreno, Eduardo (Springer, 2022)
    Part of book or chapter of book
    Open Access
    This chapter describes a software architecture for processing big-data analytics considering the complete compute continuum, from the edge to the cloud. The new generation of smart systems requires processing a vast amount ...
  • Implantación de un cuadro de mando para el seguimiento del progreso de proyectos software desarrollados por equipos de estudiantes 

    Volkova Volkova, Alexandra; Farré Tost, Carles; Franch Gutiérrez, Javier; Conejos, José Daniel; Linares, Aleix (Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2022)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    En asignaturas basadas en el desarrollo en equipo de proyectos software constatamos que: 1) más allá de las entregas puntuales, los estudiantes sienten la inquietud de no saber si están avanzando en sus objetivos de ...
  • On the lightweight use of goal-oriented models for software package selection 

    Franch Gutiérrez, Javier (2004)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Software package selection can be seen as a process of matching the products available in the marketplace with the requirements stated by an organization. This process may involve hundreds of requirements and products and ...
  • Software-based dialogue systems: Survey, taxonomy and challenges 

    Motger de la Encarnación, Joaquim; Franch Gutiérrez, Javier; Marco Gómez, Jordi (2023-05)
    Open Access
    The use of natural language interfaces in the field of human-computer interaction is undergoing intense study through dedicated scientific and industrial research. The latest contributions in the field, including deep ...
  • Anàlisi d'un algorisme de multiplicació d'enters 

    Marco Gómez, Jordi; Balcázar Navarro, José Luis (1993-10)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Es proposa un algorisme de multiplicació d'enters basat en l'esquema "divideix i venç", però diferent del de Karatsuba i Ofman. Es fa l'anàlisi de la seva complexitat. Es troba que, encara que sembli millor que els ja ...
  • Report de definició del llenguatge Merlí 

    Franch Gutiérrez, Javier; Burgués Illa, Xavier; Botella López, Pere (1993-03)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Es presenta en aquest report el llenguatge multiparadigma Merlí. El llenguatge Merlí està dissenyat per suportar un mètode de disseny de programes conegut com a prototipatge, en el qual un programa és el resultat d'una ...
  • El sistema Axis i el seu ús a l'entorn Excalibur 

    Moreno Llop, Carles; Montolio Catalán, Nuria; Franch Gutiérrez, Javier (1994-01)
    Research report
    Open Access
    El llenguatge de programació multiparadigma Merlí combina els estils equacional i imperatiu en una única notació. L'entorn d'execució Excalibur està dissenyat per suportar l'execució de programes Merlí i, per això, ha de ...
  • Supporting prototyping with a multiparadigm language 

    Franch Gutiérrez, Javier (1992)
    Research report
    Open Access
    This paper presents Merlí, a modular, data-type oriented programming language designed to support a prototyping software process model with the help of a programming environment, Excalibur. The language is a multiparadigm ...
  • Implementation of the BLOOM data model on ObjectStore 

    Abelló Gamazo, Alberto; Saltor Soler, Félix Enrique (1999-04)
    Research report
    Open Access
  • Impact of filter feature selection on classification: an empirical study 

    Njoku, Uchechukwu Fortune; Abelló Gamazo, Alberto; Bilalli, Besim; Bontempi, Gianluca (, 2022)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    The high-dimensionality of Big Data poses challenges in data understanding and visualization. Furthermore, it leads to lengthy model building times in data analysis and poor generalization for machine learning models. ...
  • Measuring discord among multidimensional data sources 

    Abelló Gamazo, Alberto; Cheney, James (, 2022)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    Data integration is a classical problem in databases, typically decomposed into schema matching, entity matching and record merging. To solve the latter, it is mostly assumed that ground truth can be determined, either as ...
  • Enabling dynamic and intelligent workflows for HPC, data analytics, and AI convergence 

    Ejarque Artigas, Jorge; Badia Sala, Rosa Maria; Becerra Fontal, Yolanda; Rodrigo Berlín, Julián; Folch Duran, Arnau; Lordan Gomis, Francesc; Monterrubio Velasco, Marisol; de la Puente, Josep; Queralt Calafat, Anna; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Juan E.; Rossi, Riccardo (Elsevier, 2022-09)
    Open Access
    The evolution of High-Performance Computing (HPC) platforms enables the design and execution of progressively larger and more complex workflow applications in these systems. The complexity comes not only from the number ...

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