Recent Submissions

  • Non-Hermitian mode cleaning in periodically modulated multimode fibers 

    Akhter, Mohammad Nayeem; Benadouda Ivars, Salim; Botey Cumella, Muriel; Herrero Simon, Ramon; Staliunas, Kestutis (2022-11-23)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We show that the simultaneous modulation of the propagation constant and of the gain/loss coefficient along the multimode fibers results in unidirectional coupling among the modes, which, depending on the modulation ...
  • Hamiltonian facets of classical gauge theories on E-manifolds 

    Mir Garcia, Pau; Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Nicolás Martínez, Pablo (2022-09-21)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Manifolds with boundary, with corners, b-manifolds and foliations model configuration spaces for particles moving under constraints and can be described as E-manifolds. E-manifolds were introduced in [NT01] and investigated ...
  • Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries 

    Català Sabaté, Martí; Cardona Iglesias, Pere Joan; Prats Soler, Clara; Alonso Muñoz, Sergio; Álvarez Lacalle, Enrique; Conesa Ortega, David; Perramon Malavez, Aida; Echebarría Domínguez, Blas; López Codina, Daniel (2021-10-11)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The present report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the pandemic situation of COVID-19 in the EU countries, and to be able to foresee the situation in the next coming days. We provide some figures and tables ...
  • Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries 

    Català Sabaté, Martí; Cardona Iglesias, Pere Joan; Prats Soler, Clara; Alonso Muñoz, Sergio; Álvarez Lacalle, Enrique; Conesa Ortega, David; Perramon Malavez, Aida; Echebarría Domínguez, Blas; López Codina, Daniel (2021-10-08)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The present report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the pandemic situation of COVID-19 in the EU countries, and to be able to foresee the situation in the next coming days. We provide some figures and tables ...
  • Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries 

    Català Sabaté, Martí; Cardona Iglesias, Pere Joan; Prats Soler, Clara; Alonso Muñoz, Sergio; Álvarez Lacalle, Enrique; Conesa Ortega, David; Perramon Malavez, Aida; Echebarría Domínguez, Blas; López Codina, Daniel (2021-10-06)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The present report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the pandemic situation of COVID-19 in the EU countries, and to be able to foresee the situation in the next coming days. We provide some figures and tables ...
  • Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries 

    Català Sabaté, Martí; Cardona Iglesias, Pere Joan; Prats Soler, Clara; Alonso Muñoz, Sergio; Álvarez Lacalle, Enrique; Conesa Ortega, David; Perramon Malavez, Aida; Echebarría Domínguez, Blas; López Codina, Daniel (2021-10-04)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The present report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the pandemic situation of COVID-19 in the EU countries, and to be able to foresee the situation in the next coming days. We provide some figures and tables ...
  • Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries 

    Català Sabaté, Martí; Cardona Iglesias, Pere Joan; Prats Soler, Clara; Alonso Muñoz, Sergio; Álvarez Lacalle, Enrique; Conesa Ortega, David; Perramon Malavez, Aida; Echebarría Domínguez, Blas; López Codina, Daniel (2021-10-01)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The present report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the pandemic situation of COVID-19 in the EU countries, and to be able to foresee the situation in the next coming days. We provide some figures and tables ...
  • Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries 

    Català Sabaté, Martí; Cardona Iglesias, Pere Joan; Prats Soler, Clara; Alonso Muñoz, Sergio; Álvarez Lacalle, Enrique; Marchena Angos, Miquel; Conesa Ortega, David; Echebarría Domínguez, Blas; López Codina, Daniel (2022-09-06)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The present report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the pandemic situation of COVID-19 in the EU countries, and to be able to foresee the situation in the next coming days. We provide some figures and tables ...
  • Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries 

    Català Sabaté, Martí; Cardona Iglesias, Pere Joan; Prats Soler, Clara; Alonso Muñoz, Sergio; Álvarez Lacalle, Enrique; Marchena Angos, Miquel; Conesa Ortega, David; Echebarría Domínguez, Blas; López Codina, Daniel (2022-09-03)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The present report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the pandemic situation of COVID-19 in the EU countries, and to be able to foresee the situation in the next coming days. We provide some figures and tables ...
  • Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries 

    Català Sabaté, Martí; Cardona Iglesias, Pere Joan; Prats Soler, Clara; Alonso Muñoz, Sergio; Álvarez Lacalle, Enrique; Marchena Angos, Miquel; Conesa Ortega, David; Echebarría Domínguez, Blas; López Codina, Daniel (2022-09-01)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The present report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the pandemic situation of COVID-19 in the EU countries, and to be able to foresee the situation in the next coming days. We provide some figures and tables ...
  • Non-Hermitian arrangement for stable semiconductor laser arrays 

    Botey Cumella, Muriel; Herrero Simon, Ramon; Medina Pardell, Judith; Staliunas, Kestutis (2021-06-16)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We propose and explore a physical mechanism for the stabilization of the complex spatiotemporal dynamics in arrays (bars) of broad area laser diodes taking advantage of the symmetry breaking in non-Hermitian potentials. ...
  • Anàlisi de les correlacions de Spearman entre els índexs ETCCDI de pluja hivernal i de tardor i els paràmetres de pol·len i espores a Bellaterra 

    Rodríguez Solá, Raúl; Casas Castillo, M. del Carmen; Kirchner Amor, Ricard (2021-06-04)
    Research report
    Restricted access - author's decision
    Mentre el nombre de correlacions positives és molt superior que les negatives per la pluja hivernal que per l'anual a la majoria d’estacions aerobiològiques estudiades (Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida i Manresa), a Bellaterra ...

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