Recent Submissions

  • Methods based on eye tracking to assess cognitive impairment 

    Goset Maldonado, Joan (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2024)
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    Eye movements have been shown to be altered in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), Multiple sclerosis (MS) etc. This has prompted researchers to explore potential links between ...
  • Saccade characteristics during fusional vergence tests as a function of vergence demand 

    Rovira Gay, Cristina; Mestre Ferrer, Clara; Argilés Sans, Marc; Pujol Ramo, Jaume (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2024)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    This study investigated saccadic behaviour during the fusional vergence test as a function of disparity vergence demand. Participants’ divergence and convergence fusional vergence ranges were measured in an haploscopic ...
  • A LiDAR imaging system using temporal and polarization discrimination for turbid media 

    Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Rodríguez Aramendía, Ana; García Gómez, Pablo; Rodrigo Arcay, Noel; Royo Royo, Santiago (2023)
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    In recent times, there has been a surge of interest in LiDAR imaging systems, particularly in outdoor terrestrial applications associated with computer vision. However, a significant hurdle preventing their widespread ...
  • El sueño como factor de riesgo en el avance de la miopía 

    Fambuena Muedra, Isabel; Díez Ajenjo, Mª Amparo; Ordiñaga Monreal, Enrique; Peris Martínez, Cristina; Puertas Cuestas, Francisco Javier (Dolores María Peñalver García, 2021)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
  • Temporal behavior and processing of the LiDAR signal in fog 

    Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Rodríguez Aramendía, Ana; García Gómez, Pablo; Rodrigo Arcay, Noel; Royo Royo, Santiago (International Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2023)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    The interest in LiDAR imaging systems has recently increased in outdoor ground-based applications related to computer vision, in fields like autonomous vehicles. However, for the complete settling of the technology, there ...
  • Análisis colorimétrico de estructuras de fondo de ojo mediante retinografía multiespectral 

    Burgos Fernández, Francisco Javier; Alterini, Tommaso; Díaz Douton, Fernando; Pujol Ramo, Jaume; Vilaseca Ricart, Meritxell (2022)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    El análisis del fondo del ojo es crucial para prevenir enfermedades retinianas y coroideas ya que la mayoría no causan síntomas en etapas tempranas. Tratarlas cuando aparecen los primeros indicios es fundamental para evitar ...
  • Colorimetric analysis of eye fundus structures with multispectral retinography 

    Burgos Fernández, Francisco Javier; Alterini, Tommaso; Díaz Douton, Fernando; Vilaseca Ricart, Meritxell (International Colour Association (AIC), 2021)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    The analysis of the eye fundus is critical to prevent retinal and choroidal diseases since most of them cause no symptoms at early stages. Treating them when the very first signs appear is crucial to avoid vision losses. ...
  • Multispectral retinography in healthy adult population 

    Burgos Fernández, Francisco Javier; Alterini, Tommaso; Díaz Douton, Fernando; Bou Marín, Marina; Vilaseca Ricart, Meritxell (International Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2021)
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    Spectral reflectance of the eye fundus was evaluated in adult healthy patients through a fast visible and near-infrared multispectral fundus camera. Spectral signatures were analyzed for different ocular structures of the ...
  • Evaluation of confocal microscopy as a diagnosis tool on red blood cell diseases 

    Rey Barroso, Laura; Roldán Molina, Mónica; Burgos Fernández, Francisco Javier; Gassiot Riu, Susanna; Ruiz Llobet, Anna; Isola, Ignacio; Vilaseca Ricart, Meritxell (2021)
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    In hereditary spherocytosis, mutations in red blood cell membrane proteins result in an overly rigid, misshapen cell whose deformability when traveling through the blood vessels is lost, causing severe anemia and splenomegaly, ...
  • Medida de superficies 3D mediante imagen polarimétrica 

    Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Maynou Ribas, Paula; Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Royo Royo, Santiago (Comité de Optoelectrónica, 2021)
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    La polarización de la luz reflejada en un objeto aporta información sobre su índice de refracción, su rugosidad, y también de su forma. Así, esta propiedad de la luz puede ser útil en visión artificial para recuperar la ...
  • Análisis del cumplimiento utilizando videojuegos en casa para mejorar las funciones visuales en la ambliopía 

    Asensio Jurado, Laura; Argilés Sans, Marc; Quevedo Junyent, Luisa Jesús (2021)
    Conference report
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  • Revisión bibliográfica del cumplimiento en el uso y mantenimiento de las lentes de contacto 

    Alonso Matarín, Silvia; Cardona Torradeflot, Genís (2021)
    Conference lecture
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