UMA - Unitat de Mecanització Agrària
La UMA centra la seva activitat en la recerca en mecanització agrària, i molt específicament en tecnologies d'aplicació de fitosanitaris. La UMA ha assolit importants novetats que han arribat al sector dels fabricants; tecnologia d'aplicació variable, sistemes de caracterització electrònica de la vegetació, desenvolupament d'un software per a la determinació del volum òptim d'aplicació al cultiu de la vinya, desenvolupament d'un prototip per a la millora de les aplicacions de fitosanitaris als hivernacles. La UMA és responsable de cursos de formació.
La UMA centra su actividad en la investigación en mecanización agraria, y muy específicamente en tecnologías de aplicación de fitosanitarios. La UMA ha logrado importantes novedades que han llegado al sector de los fabricantes; tecnología de aplicación variable, sistemas de caracterización electrónica de la vegetación, desarrollo de un software para la determinación del volumen óptimo de aplicación al cultivo de la vid, desarrollo de un prototipo para la mejora de las aplicaciones de fitosanitarios en los invernaderos. La UMA es responsable de cursos de formación.
La UMA centra su actividad en la investigación en mecanización agraria, y muy específicamente en tecnologías de aplicación de fitosanitarios. La UMA ha logrado importantes novedades que han llegado al sector de los fabricantes; tecnología de aplicación variable, sistemas de caracterización electrónica de la vegetación, desarrollo de un software para la determinación del volumen óptimo de aplicación al cultivo de la vid, desarrollo de un prototipo para la mejora de las aplicaciones de fitosanitarios en los invernaderos. La UMA es responsable de cursos de formación.
La UMA centra su actividad en la investigación en mecanización agraria, y muy específicamente en tecnologías de aplicación de fitosanitarios. La UMA ha logrado importantes novedades que han llegado al sector de los fabricantes; tecnología de aplicación variable, sistemas de caracterización electrónica de la vegetación, desarrollo de un software para la determinación del volumen óptimo de aplicación al cultivo de la vid, desarrollo de un prototipo para la mejora de las aplicaciones de fitosanitarios en los invernaderos. La UMA es responsable de cursos de formación.
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Recent Submissions
A novel methodology for water-sensitive papers analysis focusing on the segmentation of overlapping droplets to better characterize deposition pattern
Open AccessWater-sensitive papers (WSPs), as an artificial target, have been generally used to evaluate spray quality in pesticide applications. Though many tools were available to analyze WSPs, they were not effective in processing ... -
Air-pinch PWM valve to regulate flow rate of hollow-cone nozzles for variable-rate sprayers
Restricted access - publisher's policyElectric pulse width modulation (PWM) solenoid valves are commonly used to regulate nozzle flow rates to achieve precision variable-rate spray applications. However, some pesticide formulations, such as wettable powders ... -
Static and dynamic performance evaluation of a solid-state lidar for 3D object detection in greenhouse spray applications
Restricted access - publisher's policyAn effective variable-rate spraying system for greenhouses requires accurate canopy structure parameters of plants to ensure proper pesticide dosage adjustment. While conventional laser systems integrated into spray systems ... -
Biopesticides as alternatives to reduce the use of copper in Spanish and Portuguese viticulture: Main trends in adoption
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe traditional use of copper as a fungicide in vineyards has raised concerns among authorities as it increases environmental pollution. As a result, new regulations have been enacted to reduce the use of plant protection ... -
Design, implementation and validation of a sensor-based precise airblast sprayer to improve pesticide applications in orchards
(Springer, 2023-12-18)
Open AccessAn orchard sprayer prototype running a variable-rate algorithm to adapt the spray volume to the canopy characteristics (dimensions, shape and leaf density) in real-time was designed and implemented. The developed machine ... -
Droplet size distributions from hollow-cone nozzles coupled with PWM valves
Restricted access - publisher's policyIntegration of variable-rate hollow-cone nozzles in orchard sprayers is the optimal solution to achieve precision spray applications of agrochemicals; however, little information is available on the droplet size distribution ... -
Drought impact on the morpho-physiological parameters of perennial Rhizomatous grasses in the Mediterranean environment
Open AccessThe selection of non-food crops for bioenergy production in limiting environments is a priority for energy security and climate change mitigation. Therefore, more studies are needed on the interactions between species and ... -
Influence of the sociocultural perspective on the sensory perception of wine consumers in Mexico and Spain
(Frontiers Media SA, 2023-01-01)
Open AccessThe increasing globalization of companies and markets, including the wine market, makes this study important as a cultural comparison between the sensory perception of wine in Mexico and Spain. Eighty consumers were ... -
Attenuation and soil biodegradation of fungicides by using vegetated buffer strips in vineyards during a simulated rainfall–runoff event
(Springer, 2023-06-22)
Open AccessRainfall–runoff events occurring in vineyard fields can result in pesticide ground losses and the subsequent pollution of surface water bodies, derivate from the crop protection spray applications. In this study, the ... -
Advanced spraying systems to improve pesticide saving and reduce spray drift for apple orchards
(Springer Nature, 2023-05-18)
Open AccessNew spraying systems embedded with different technologies have been developed for pesticide application in 3D crops. However, while applied to specific tree crops, the potential spray drift mitigation for advanced spraying ... -
Assessment of map based variable rate strategies for copper reduction in hedge vineyards
Open AccessReduction of Plant Protection Products (PPP) has become a priority in agriculture, led by European directives and regulations due to the negative impacts and social awareness that pesticides have raised in the population. ... -
Evaluation of an electrostatic spray charge system implemented in three conventional orchard sprayers used on a commercial apple trees plantation
Restricted access - publisher's policyElectrostatic sprayers can be an option for increasing the effectiveness of treatments and reducing pesticide consumption, but it still requires more verifications, especially in orchards. The spray deposition performances ...