VOS - Visió, Optometria i Salut
El grup de recerca Visió, Optometria i Salut (VOS) incorpora investigadors amb perfils i experteses molt diversos, incloent la física i l’òptica aplicada, la psicologia, l’optometria clínica i la salut pública. El denominador comú es troba en l' interès pels aspectes més clínics de les ciències de la visió, desenvolupant recerca amb aplicació immediata a la pràctica clínica diària de l’optometria i a la gestió dels pacients. En aquest sentit, algunes de les línies de treball del VOS giren al voltant de l'estudi de l’aparició, progressió i control de la miopia, de les lents de contacte i superfície ocular, incloent la llàgrima, i l'estudi de les desigualtats en la salut visual poblacional. Part de la recerca del VOS es desenvolupa en el Centre Universitari de la Visió (CUV).
El grupo de investigación Visión, Optometría y Salud (VOS) incorpora investigadores con perfiles y especialización muy diversa, incluyendo la física y la óptica aplicada, la psicología, la optometría clínica y la salud pública. El denominador común radica en el interés por los aspectos más clínicos de las ciencias de la visión, desarrollando investigación con aplicación inmediata a la práctica clínica diaria de la optometría y a la gestión de los pacientes. En este sentido, algunas de las líneas de trabajo del grupo VOS giran alrededor del estudio de la aparición, progresión y control de la miopía, de las lentes de contacto y superficie ocular, incluyendo la lágrima, y el estudio de las desigualdades en salud visual poblacional. Parte de la investigación de VOS se desarrolla en el Centro Universitario de la Visión (CUV).
The Vision, Optometry and Health (VOS) research group, incorporates researchers with very diverse profiles and expertise, including applied physics and optics, psychology, clinical optometry and public health. The common interest are the clinical aspects of the vision sciences, developing applied research to the daily clinical practice of optometry and the management of patients. In this sense, some of the lines of work of the VOS group, revolve around the study of the onset, progression and control of myopia, contact lenses and ocular surface, including tear, and the study of inequalities in visual public health. Part of the search of the VOS is developed in the University Center of the Vision (CUV).
The Vision, Optometry and Health (VOS) research group, incorporates researchers with very diverse profiles and expertise, including applied physics and optics, psychology, clinical optometry and public health. The common interest are the clinical aspects of the vision sciences, developing applied research to the daily clinical practice of optometry and the management of patients. In this sense, some of the lines of work of the VOS group, revolve around the study of the onset, progression and control of myopia, contact lenses and ocular surface, including tear, and the study of inequalities in visual public health. Part of the search of the VOS is developed in the University Center of the Vision (CUV).
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Articles de revista [53]
Recent Submissions
Does the subjective response during the measurement of fusional reserves affect the clinical diagnosis?
Open AccessIntroduction: Fusional reserves differ with the method of measurement. The goalof this study was to compare the subjective and objective responses during themeasurement of positive and negative fusional reserves using both ... -
Relationship between socioeconomic status and myopia in school children: CISViT project
(Elsevier, 2024-10)
Open AccessPurpose Evidence indicates the existence of an association between socioeconomic status (SES) and the prevalence of myopia in the adult population. In contrast, there are limited studies investigating this association in ... -
Can viewing a 3D movie improve visual function in children with a history of amblyopia and neurotypical children?: a pilot study
(Public Library of Science (PLOS), 2024-06-25)
Open AccessPurpose The aim of this pilot study was to determine whether viewing an immersive 3D movie with large disparities in a cinema resulted in improved visual acuity (VA), stereoscopic depth perception (ST), and improved eye ... -
Central and peripheral corneal sagittal height in keratoconus and healthy eyes
Restricted access - publisher's policyPurpose: To determine central and peripheral corneal sagittal height (z) values in keratoconus and healthy eyes with the Oculus Pentacam point-by-point data extraction software. Methods: Forty eyes from patients with central ... -
Influence of trajectory and contrast on dynamic visual acuity in elite team sports players
Open AccessDynamic visual acuity (DVA) is considered an essential component for studying the visual function, especially in challenging environments like team sports. Beyond frequent comparative studies, much information is still ... -
DRI Triton SS-OCT applied to detect choroidal nodules in paediatric patients affected by NF1
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024-04)
Open AccessPurpose: To examine whether image processing of non-mydriatic DRI Triton SS-OCT (Topcon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) using the red free filter could assess the presence of choroidal nodules and thus include their detection ... -
Ciliary muscle and anterior segment characteristics in pre-presbyopic adults with Down syndrome
Open AccessPurpose: Previous research has shown that accommodation deficits are common in individuals with Down syndrome (DS), but the origin and mechanisms behind these deficits are still unknown. The aim of this study was to ... -
Validation of the Spanish version of the IVI_C VRQoL in children from 8 to 18 years old
(Elsevier, 2024-06)
Open AccessPurpose: To validate the Spanish version of the Impact of Vision Impairment for Children (IVI_C), a vision-related quality of life (VRQoL) questionnaire, using Rasch Analysis. Methods: A translation and adaptation of the ... -
Assessment of a clinical test for detection of alteration in visual perception due to astigmatism
Open AccessPurpose: Astigmatism blurs the retinal image of a circular spot along a particular orientation rendering it an elliptical shape. Astigmatic patients demonstrate adaptation to residual astigmatic blur that may affect their ... -
New designs of spectacle lenses for the control of myopia progression: a scoping review
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-02-19)
Open AccessMyopia control with new designs of spectacle lenses is a flourishing area of research. The present work reviews the effectiveness of new designs (DIMSs, defocus-incorporated multiple segments; CARE, cylindrical annular ... -
Precision and agreement of axial length in paediatric population measured with MYAH and AL-Scan biometers
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2023-11-13)
Restricted access - publisher's policyClinical relevance Measuring axial length is key in the field of myopia development and control. Hence, the precision and agreement of commercially available biometers is of vital interest to understand their variability ... -
Regularly playing first-person shooter videogames improves dynamic visual acuity
(Wolters Kluwer, 2023-05-19)
Open AccessSignificance: This study investigated the dynamic visual acuity (DVA) in young adults that play action video games regularly compared with non-action video games players and those without regular experience in videogame ...