Self-assessment in industrial engineering. Pilot test in graphic engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya-BarcelonaTech
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Document typePart of book or chapter of book
Defense date2020-03-16
Rights accessOpen Access
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We present a study on Self-evaluation in the subject of Graphic Engineering in industrial engineering degrees. It has been implemented at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya in its Terrassa campus (Barcelona). This pilot project started in the 2017–18 academic year and it has continued in 2018–19 school year. The research begins with a survey completed by the students after they have developed and presented the final project of Graphic Engineering. Students must respond about the contents and competences they acquire throughout the course. Although the survey also asks for teamwork on the whole subject, we will focus on data corresponding to the project and self-evaluate it to its final result. Students must assess their learning from different graphic skills such as: pieces representation, dimensioning, sections and the knowledge of 3D geometry. The self-assessment is not yet a binding evaluation, but it helps to obtain more consensual assessment, taking into account, the teacher evaluation first, without underestimating what the student does
The final publication is available at
CitationPujol Ferran, A.; Farrerons Vidal, O. Self-assessment in industrial engineering. Pilot test in graphic engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya-BarcelonaTech. A: "Advances in design engineering: proceedings of the XXIX International Congress INGEGRAF, 20-21 June 2019, Logroño, Spain". Berlín: Springer, 2020, p. 347-355.
Publisher version
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