AQUAL - Aqüicultura i QUALitat dels productes aquàtics
Els objectius d'aquest grup de recerca són:
- La recerca en l'àmbit de l'aqüicultura i de la qualitat dels productes aquàtics. L'interès se centra tant en els resultats pràctics que es poden transferir al sector com en les bases d'enginyeria i biològiques
- La transferència al sector productiu dels resultats propis així com la participació en xarxes de transferència de tecnologia (com la xarxa europea AQUAFLOW)
- La formació al nivell de tercer cicle (en l'actualitat amb l'especialització d'Aqüicultura Sostenible en el marc del programa de doctorat Biotecnologies Agroalimentaries i Sostenibilitat de la UPC)
- La potenciació de la recerca i l’activitat interuniversitaria en aquest àmbit a Catalunya a través del CRA (Centre de Referència en Aqüicultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya)
Collections in this community
Altres [6]
Articles de revista [11]
Pòsters [2]
Working papers [1]
Recent Submissions
Improving energy efficiency in fisheries and aquaculture
Open AccessIn the context of a necessary change in a new energy model development, there is a clear interest in analysing the strong and weak points of fi sheries and aquaculture energy expenditure to reduce it -
Can good communication change consumer perception about aquaculture?
Open AccessAccording to all available data aquaculture is still one of the fastest growing sectors of food production and contributes significantly to the protein supply and the well being of millions of people. -
Non aerated seaweed culture tank with rotating flow
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
Aquaculture production in areas with high seasonal temperature variations: Development of planning tools
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
Influence of baffles and fish presence in the velocities distribution of a multivortex tank
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
Analysis of resuspension and sedimentation processes of unaltered fish faeces using image analysis
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Daily evolution of TAN liquid excretion rate in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Conference report
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Distribution of sole (Solea senegalensis) in a raceway tank with different environmental conditions
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
Reliability of laser scanner to estimate sole (Solea senegalensis) biomass under intensive conditions
Conference report
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Influence of substrate on growth and health of young sole (Solea senegalensis)
Conference report
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Evaluación hidrodinámica de un tanque acuícola tipo multivórtice
Conference report
Open Access -
Analysis of sedimentation and resuspension processes of aquaculture biosolids using an oscillating grid
Restricted access - publisher's policySedimentation and resuspension processes of aquaculture biosolids (non-ingested feed and faeces) are analysed using vertically oscillating grids as a source of turbulence in fluid tanks. An oscillating grid system consists ...