GREA - Grup de Recerca d'Enginyeria Agroambiental
L'objectiu principal d'aquest grup de recerca és estudiar i desenvolupar processos, sistemes i instal•lacions que permetin avaluar i protegir la qualitat del medi agroambiental.
Els aspectes sobre els quals es fa recerca són:
- Tractament i depuració d'aigües
- Aigua i fertilitat del sòl (física, química i biològica)
- Utilització d'aigües no convencionals i aprofitament de fangs
- Economia de l'aigua
- Agricultura urbana i periurbana
Collections in this community
Altres [2]
Articles de revista [100]
Capítols de llibre [14]
Llibres [4]
Pòsters [0]
Reports de recerca [29]
Recent Submissions
Improving anaerobic digestion stability, effluent quality and ammonia recovering with a microbial electrolysis cell integrated system
Conference lecture
Open AccessAnaerobic digestion (AD) is nowadays widely used for processing various kinds of wastes, as livestock manure. Despite it is considered as a robust process, when it is performed at thermophilic range, beside a number of ... -
In-situ methane enrichment in continuous anaerobic digestion of pig slurry by zero-valent iron nanoparticles addition under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions
Open AccessThe effect of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) addition on methane production during anaerobic digestion of pig slurry was assessed. Experiments were conducted using two experimental set-ups: batch and long-term ... -
Hydrophobic membranes for ammonia recovery from digestates in microbial electrolysis cells: Assessment of different configurations
(Elsevier, 2021-08)
Open AccessThe combination of hydrophobic membranes and microbial electrolysis cells (MEC) was assessed in two different configurations in order to recover ammonia from anaerobically digested pig slurry. Politetrafluorethilene ... -
Ammonium and phosphate recovery in a three chambered microbial electrolysis cell: towards obtaining struvite from livestock manure
Open AccessAmmonia and phosphate, which are present in large quantities in waste streams such as livestock manure, are key compounds in fertilization activities. Their recovery will help close natural cycles and take a step forward ... -
Biogas upgrading and ammonia recovery from livestock manure digestates in a combined electromethanogenic biocathode—hydrophobic membrane system
Open AccessAnaerobic digestion process can be improved in combination with bioelectrochemical systems in order to recover energy and resources from digestates. An electromethanogenic microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) coupled to an ... -
Metabolomic and phenotypic implications of the application of fertilization products containing microcontaminants in lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
(Nature, 2021-12-01)
Open AccessCultivation practice using organic amendments is plausible to ensure global food security. However, plant abiotic stress due to the presence of metals and organic microcontaminants (OMCs) in fertilization products cannot ... -
Impacte de la contaminació ambiental als cultius periurbans o de proximitat. Estudi de cas: el parc agrari del Baix Llobregat
Open AccessL'agricultura periurbana o de proximitat proporciona nombrosos avantatges des del punt de vista social, econòmic i paisatgístic. Per exemple, la curta distància entre la zona productiva i el consumidor final proporciona ... -
Occurrence and human health risk assessment of antibiotics and trace elements in Lactuca sativa amended with different organic fertilizers
Open AccessSoil amendment with organic fertilizers is an effective approach to improve soil fertility. However, organic fertilizers may contain pollutants such as trace elements (TEs) and antibiotics (ABs), which, once deployed in ... -
Sedimentation monitoring of the active biomass in bioreactors by electrical impedance spectroscopy
Conference report
Open AccessSequencing batch reactors are used in wastewater treatment to produce biogas (methane). Currently, when biogas production ceases the active sludge sedimentation process is not monitored but operated on a fixed time basis. ... -
Assessing the evolution of wheat grain traits during the last 166 years using archived samples
(Nature, 2020-12)
Open AccessThe current study focuses on yield and nutritional quality changes of wheat grain over the last 166 years. It is based on wheat grain quality analyses carried out on samples collected between 1850 and 2016. Samples were ... -
Dose effect of Zn and Cu in sludge-amended soils on vegetable uptake of trace elements, antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance genes: Human health implications
Open AccessThe application of sewage sludge to agricultural fields reduces the need for mineral fertilizers by increasing soil organic matter, but may also increase soil pollution. Previous studies indicate that zinc and copper, as ... -
The Catalan butterfly monitoring scheme has the capacity to detect effects of modifying agricultural practices
Open AccessImpacts of agricultural management practices on the receiving environment are seldom suit-ably assessed because environmental monitoring is costly. In this regard, data generated by already exist-ing environmental survey ...