CWM1 implementation in RetrasoCodeBright: first results using horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland data, Chemical Engineering Journal
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Document typeArticle
Defense date2011-01-01
Rights accessRestricted access - publisher's policy
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Constructed Wetland Model No. 1 (CWM1) processes were implemented within RetrasoCodeBright (RCB) to simulate hydraulics and reactive transport as well as the main biodegradation and transformation
processes in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSF CWs). New values for some stoichiometric and kinetic coefficients were determined in the calibration step in order to obtain more realistic biochemical transformation and degradation processes. The model was checked and then tested for a horizontal SSF CW operating with different hydraulic loading rates [20, 36 and 45 mm/d]. Modifications
to the CWM1 formulation had a negligible effect on the good fitting of measured and simulated data. However, changes in stoichiometric and kinetic parameters positively affected performance. Bacterial
concentrations defined as initial conditions proved to be a variable requiring attention in the calibration. In terms of pollutant concentrations in effluent, simulated data corresponded well with data measured in most cases evaluated. The quality of the results obtained suggests that CWM1-RETRASO, the resulting model, is a potential tool for studying hydraulics, reactive transport and the main biochemical transformation and degradation processes for organic matter, nitrogen and sulphur in horizontal SSF CWs.
CitationLlorens, E.; Saaltink, M.; Garcia, J. CWM1 implementation in RetrasoCodeBright: first results using horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland data, Chemical Engineering Journal. "Chemical engineering journal", 01 Gener 2011, vol. 166, núm. 1, p. 224-232.
Publisher version
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CWM1 implementa ... nstructed wetland data.pdf | 500,7Kb | Restricted access |