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dc.contributorTorner Ribé, Jordi
dc.contributorAlpiste Penalba, Francesc
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Crespo, Cristian
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz, Geraldine
dc.contributor.authorOuterelo, Carlos R.
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Expressió Gràfica a l'Enginyeria
dc.description.abstractThis bachelor final project will try to offer clinic diagnostic tools for chronic liver disease that affect the brain and the abdominal muscles. To measure the muscle damage, we use tomography images, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image). The idea of the software is use the image information to create a 3D muscle model of the erector spinae, and to estimate to fat and mass muscle volume. To study the abnormal brain function we use a headset that measure the brain electrical activity. This helmet is a cost-effective device for the hospital and the medical test is intended to be quick and easy to do by any doctor without specific knowledge of neurology because thanks to the software we have developed, the doctor will have all the information in a really easy to understand 3D Brain.On one hand, with these applications, an almost immediate diagnostic can be achieved, thus improving the prescribed treatment. On the other hand, this methodology aims to help to better discriminate which patients present more serious affections, and to give them priority if they are on waiting list for surgical intervention.
dc.publisherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria biomèdica::Electrònica biomèdica
dc.subject.lcshDiagnostic imaging
dc.title3D applications for chronic liver diseases
dc.typeBachelor thesis
dc.subject.lemacMalalties cròniques -- Diagnòstic
dc.subject.lemacImatgeria per al diagnòstic
dc.rights.accessRestricted access - author's decision
dc.audience.mediatorEscola d'Enginyeria de Barcelona Est
dc.audience.degreeGRAU EN ENGINYERIA MECÀNICA (Pla 2009)

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