Standardization for interoperable autonomous smart sensors in the future energy grid system
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A hierarchy to reach the inter operability of future smart energy grid system is proposed by introducing compliant levels in a pyramidal model. Interoperability layers in this approach was modeled using a button-top approach, from a technical level and standards, such as ZigBee or 610WPAN, with autonomous smart sensors to reach syntactic interoperability based on the IEEE 1451 standard. Also, the IEEE 1451 smart
sensor model is defined taking into account a Network Capable Application Processor (NCAP), as coordinator node, and autonomous smart sensor nodes, Wireless Transducer Interface Module (WTIM) nodes, with sensing capabilities for cooperation with energy grid system, that employs the IEEE 1451 standard based on standard commands with header compression to decrease overall metadata information. Furthermore, this model
could be extended in the future for small energy harvesting devices deployed in smart homes and energy utilities, to improve the efficiency, reliability and customer cost savings.
CitacióHiguera, J.; Polo, J. Standardization for interoperable autonomous smart sensors in the future energy grid system. A: IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference. "Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), 2011 IEEE 33rd International". Amsterdam: IEEE, 2011, p. 1-9.
Dipòsit legaldoi: 10.1109/INTLEC.2011.6099894
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