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dc.contributor.authorSánchez Carracedo, Fermín
dc.contributor.authorLópez Álvarez, David
dc.contributor.authorMarqués Soriano, Emiliana
dc.contributor.authorVendrell Sarroca, Eva
dc.contributor.authorOrtega Roig, Xavier
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació
dc.identifier.citationSánchez, F. [et al.]. Technological volunteering as an approach for service learning. A: European Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. "Proceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual conference 2018: creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship for engineering education excellence". European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), 2018, p. 660-667.
dc.description.abstractEntities with social purposes perform an essential task in our Society. They are often obliged to work with insufficient budgets that do not allow them to develop their projects with the necessary guarantees. In particular, they require computers and support from ICT experts in order to be able to fulfil their objectives in a society as technological as ours, in which changes in technology occur at a dizzying speed. In September, 2015, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech launched an ICT volunteer program in the form of a pilot experience with students from the Schools of Informatics and Telecommunications. The program, an extra-curricular activity called Vol-ICT, is currently in its third edition. This program falls in a more ambitious one in which we aim to increase student retention by using Service Learning as a part of our university educational policy [1].
dc.format.extent8 p.
dc.publisherEuropean Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Metodologies docents
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Informàtica
dc.subject.lcshService learning
dc.subject.otherStudent engagement
dc.subject.otherChanging engineering perception
dc.titleTechnological volunteering as an approach for service learning
dc.typeConference report
dc.subject.lemacAprenentatge servei
dc.contributor.groupUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. BCN SEER - Barcelona Science and Engineering Education Research Group
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.rights.accessRestricted access - publisher's policy
dc.description.versionPostprint (published version)
local.citation.authorSánchez, F.; López, D.; Marqués, E.; Vendrell, E.; Ortega, X.
local.citation.contributorEuropean Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference
local.citation.publicationNameProceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual conference 2018: creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship for engineering education excellence

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