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Autonomous counter-drone: is reinforcement learning the solution ?
Conference report
Open AccessUnmanned aircraft are becoming available to most purchasers due to their decreasing costs and increasing functionalities. While this fact opens the opportunity to new business and services, it also represents a potential ... -
Explainability of deep reinforcement learning method with drones
Conference report
Open AccessRecent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology demonstrated that AI algorithms are very powerful as AI models become more complex. As a result, the users and also the engineers who developed the AI algorithms ... -
Generation of RNP approach flight procedures with an RRT* path-planning algorithm
Conference report
Open AccessWe present a framework capable of generating required navigation performance authorization required approach (RNP AR APCH) procedures by using a combination of the optimal version of the path-planning rapidly-exploring ... -
An enriched finite elements approach for multi-phase microsystems
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis study presents an E-FEM/L-S approach for modeling fluid-fluid inter-face deformation in microsystems under electric fields. The approach treats the interface as a zero-thickness boundary and precisely models discontinuities ... -
Would airspace users accept potential delays or reroutings for a discount in route charges? Results of a stated preferences survey
Conference report
Open Access -
Pre-tactical prediction of atfm delay for individual flights
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessAirlines develop an operation plan, during the day prior to operations (D-1), to identify potential network issues and prepare potential pre-tactical preventing measures such as aircraft tail swapping or crew reassignment ... -
Dispatcher3 – Machine learning for efficient flight planning: approach and challenges for data-driven prototypes in air transport
Conference report
Open AccessMachine learning techniques to support decisionmaking processes are in trend. These are particularly relevant in the context of flight management where large datasets of planned and realised operations are available. ... -
Effects of capacity sharing on delays and re-routings in European ATM
(Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper we analyse the effects of capacity sharing between Area Control Centres on delays and re-routings. We assume two different design options for capacity sharing (within Air Navigation Service Providers and ... -
Data-driven estimation of flights’ hidden parameters
(Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents a data-driven methodology for the estimation of flights’ hidden parameters, combining mechanistic and AI/ML models. In the context of this methodology the paper studies several AI/ML methods and reports ... -
In-flight cost index optimisation upon weather forecast updates
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents an optimisation framework to compute the altitude and speed profiles of a trajectory in the execution phase of the flight, such that the expected total cost (ETC) of the operation is minimised (i.e. ... -
Alternative 4D trajectories for the avoidance of weather- and contrail-sensitive volumes
(Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR), 2022)
Conference report
Open AccessWe present a framework to generate, in a multi-aircraft environment, 4D optimized trajectories in a scenario with several weather constraints obtained with advanced weather prediction models. We focus on the trajectory ... -
Considering TMA holding uncertainty into in-flight trajectory optimisation
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyAircraft crew are aware of the delay they have experienced at departure. However, uncertainties ahead, and in particular holdings at arrival, can have an impact on the final performance of their operations. When optimising ...