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dc.contributor.authorCasamitjana Díaz, Adrià
dc.contributor.authorVilaplana Besler, Verónica
dc.contributor.authorPetrone, Paula
dc.contributor.authorMolinuevo, Jose Luis
dc.contributor.authorGispert, Juan Domingo
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions
dc.identifier.citationCasamitjana, A., Vilaplana, V., Petrone, P., Molinuevo, J., Gispert, J. Shared latent structures between imaging features and biomarkers in early stages of Alzheimer's disease. A: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. "PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine". Springer International Publishing, 2018, p. 60-67.
dc.description.abstractIn this work, we identify meaningful latent patterns in MR images for patients across the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) continuum. For this purpose, we apply Projection to Latent Structures (PLS) method using cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers (t-tau, p-tau, amyloid-beta) and age as response variables and imaging features as explanatory variables. Freesurfer pipeline is used to compute MRI surface and volumetric features resulting in 68 cortical ROIs and 84 cortical and subcortical ROIs, respectively. The main assumption of this work is that there are two main underlying processes governing brain morphology along the AD continuum: brain aging and dementia. We use two different and orthogonal PLS models to describe each process: PLS-aging and PLS-dementia. To define PLS-aging model we use normal aging subjects and age as predictor and response variables, respectively, while for PLS-dementia we only use demented subjects and biomarkers as response variables.
dc.format.extent8 p.
dc.publisherSpringer International Publishing
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria de la telecomunicació
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Ciències de la salut::Medicina
dc.subject.lcshAlzheimer's disease
dc.subject.otherPreclinical AD
dc.subject.otherLatent model
dc.titleShared latent structures between imaging features and biomarkers in early stages of Alzheimer's disease
dc.typeConference lecture
dc.subject.lemacAlzheimer, Malaltia d'
dc.contributor.groupUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GPI - Grup de Processament d'Imatge i Vídeo
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.rights.accessRestricted access - publisher's policy
dc.description.versionPostprint (published version)
local.citation.authorCasamitjana, A.; Vilaplana, V.; Petrone, P.; Molinuevo, J.; Gispert, J.
local.citation.contributorInternational Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
local.citation.publicationNamePRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine

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