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dc.contributor.authorBlesa Aguilera, Maria Josep
dc.contributor.authorXhafa Xhafa, Fatos
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciències de la Computació
dc.identifier.citationBlesa, M., Xhafa, F. "A skeleton for the Tabu search metaheuristic with applications to problems in software engineering". 2001.
dc.description.abstractWe present a C++ implementation of a skeleton for Tabu Search method. Tabu Search method is a well-known meta-heuristic that has proved successful for sub-optimally solving hard combinatorial optimization problems. Recently there is an increasing interest in the application of meta-heuristics, such as Tabu Search, to problems in software engineering
dc.format.extent9 p.
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Informàtica::Enginyeria del software
dc.subject.lcshCombinatorial optimization
dc.subject.lcshSoftware engineering
dc.subject.otherTabu search metaheuristic
dc.subject.otherTabu search method
dc.subject.otherHard combinatorial
dc.subject.otherOptimization problem
dc.titleA skeleton for the Tabu search metaheuristic with applications to problems in software engineering
dc.typeExternal research report
dc.subject.lemacOptimització combinatòria
dc.subject.lemacEnginyeria del programari
dc.contributor.groupUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. ALBCOM - Algorismia, Bioinformàtica, Complexitat i Mètodes Formals
dc.rights.accessOpen Access
local.citation.authorBlesa, M.; Xhafa, F.

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