We live in a world where architecture and planning are one of the most vigorous human activities. Thousands and thousands of square miles of territory are designed and built each day, thanks to the powerful technology applied to the three classical pillars of architecture: design, construction and dwelling.

However, research on architecture is still poorly developed and the systematization of knowledge related to architectural design activities is weak or inexistent.

ARQUITECTONICS, MIND, LAND & SOCIETY, will aim to fill this gap, and to stimulate experts and doctorate students working in the field. Epistemological relationships between design, building and dwelling should be analyzed by ARQUITECTONICS, and the link between social sciences, natural sciences and exact sciences analyzed by architectural knowledge, should be uncovered too.

Josep Muntañola. Barcelona

Associate Editor:
Magda Saura. Barcelona

Adjoited Co-Editors:
Beatriz Ramírez. Universidad de los Andes. Mérida. Venezuela
Marcelo Zárate. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Santa Fe. Argentina
Ruth Marcela Díaz, Samuel Jaimes Botía. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga. Colombia
María I. Oliver de la Cruz. Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico
Rodrigo Saavedra. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Valparaíso. Chile

Board of Advisory Editors (Scientific Committee):
Botta, Mario; Architect, Switzerland
Boudon, Pierre; Architect, Canada
Bilbeny, Norbert; Philosopher, Spain
Carbonell, Eudald; Archaeologist, Spain
Fernández Alba, Antonio; Architect, Spain
Ferrater, Carlos; Architect, Spain
Gómez Pin, Víctor; Philosopher, Spain
Heikkinen, Mikko; Architect, Finland
Kalogirou, Nikolaos; Architect, Greece
Langer, Jonas; Psychologist, USA
Levy, Albert; Architect, France
Lagopoulos, Alexandros; Urban Planner, Greece
Mack, Mark; Architect, USA
Magnaghi, Alberto; City Planner, Italy
Messori, Rita; Philosopher, Italy
Mateo, Josep Lluís, Architect, Spain
Moore, Gary T; Architect, Australia
Mul, Jos de; Philosopher, The Netherlands
Pallasmaa, Juhani; Architect, Finland
Pardo, Jose Luis; Philosopher, Spain
Ponzio, Augusto; Philosopher, Italy
Preziosi, Donald; Anthropologist and Linguist, USA/UK
Provensal, Danielle; Anthropologist, Spain
Rapoport, Amos; Architect, USA
Rewers, Eva; Philosopher, Poland
Ricoeur, Paul, Philosopher, France
Romañà, Teresa; Pedagogue, Spain
Salmona, Rogelio; Architect, Colombia
Sanoff, Henry; Architect, USA
Scandurra, Enzo; Urban Planner, Italy
Solaguren, Félix; Architect, Spain
Tagliabue & Miralles, Architects, Spain
Valsiner, Jaan; Psychologist, USA
Werner, Frank; Historian, Germany


Departament de Projectes Arquitectònics
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Av. Diagonal, 649, 5a planta
08028 Barcelona / Spain
Tel.: (0034) 934 016 406
Fax.: 934 016 396

ISSN: 1579-4431

Collections in this community

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