Recent Submissions

  • Maximum box problem on stochastic points 

    Caraballo, Luis E.; Pérez Lantero, Pablo; Seara Ojea, Carlos; Ventura, Inmaculada (Springer Nature, 2021-10-28)
    Open Access
    Given a finite set of weighted points in Rd (where there can be negative weights), the maximum box problem asks for an axis-aligned rectangle (i.e., box) such that the sum of the weights of the points that it contains is ...
  • A new meta-module design for efficient reconfiguration of modular robots 

    Parada, Irene; Sacristán Adinolfi, Vera; Silveira, Rodrigo Ignacio (Springer Nature, 2021-05-01)
    Open Access
    We propose a new meta-module design for two important classes of modular robots. The new metamodule is three-dimensional, robust and compact, improving on the previously proposed one. It applies to socalled “edge-hinged” ...
  • New production matrices for geometric graphs 

    Esteban Pascual, Guillermo; Huemer, Clemens; Silveira, Rodrigo Ignacio (Elsevier, 2022-01-15)
    Open Access
    We use production matrices to count several classes of geometric graphs. We present novel production matrices for non-crossing partitions, connected geometric graphs, and k-angulations, which provide another, simple and ...
  • On circles enclosing many points 

    Claverol Aguas, Mercè; Huemer, Clemens; Martínez Moraian, Alejandra (2021-10-01)
    Open Access
    We prove that every set of n red and n blue points in the plane contains a red and a blue point such that every circle through them encloses at least points of the set. This is a two-colored version of a problem posed by ...
  • Affine invariant triangulations 

    Bose, Prosenjit; Cano Vila, Pilar; Silveira, Rodrigo Ignacio (2021-11-01)
    Open Access
    We study affine invariant 2D triangulation methods. That is, methods that produce the same triangulation for a point set S for any (unknown) affine transformation of S. Our work is based on a method by Nielson (1993) that ...
  • Trees whose even-degree vertices induce a path are antimagic 

    Lozano Boixadors, Antoni; Mora Giné, Mercè; Seara Ojea, Carlos; Tey Carrera, Joaquín (2022-08)
    Open Access
    An antimagic labeling of a connected graph G is a bijection from the set of edges E(G) to {1, 2, . . . , |E(G)|} such that all vertex sums are pairwise distinct, where the vertex sum at vertex v is the sum of the labels ...
  • Metric dimension of maximal outerplanar graphs 

    Claverol Aguas, Mercè; Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Maureso Sánchez, Montserrat; Mora Giné, Mercè (2021-02-02)
    Open Access
    In this paper, we study the metric dimension problem in maximal outerplanar graphs. Concretely, if ß(G) denotes the metric dimension of a maximal outerplanar graph G of order n, we prove that 2=ß(G)=¿2n5¿ and that the ...
  • Optimizing generalized kernels of polygons 

    Martínez Moraian, Alejandra; Orden Martin, David; Palios, Leonidas; Seara Ojea, Carlos; Zylinski, Pawel (Springer Nature, 2021-04-09)
    Open Access
    Let O be a set of k orientations in the plane, and let P be a simple polygon in the plane. Given two points p, q inside P, we say that p O-sees q if there is an O-staircase contained in P that connects p and q. The O-Kernel ...
  • A comparative analysis of trajectory similarity measures 

    Tao, Yaguang; Both, Alan; Silveira, Rodrigo Ignacio; Sijben, Stef; Buchin, Kevin; Purves, Ross S.; Laube, Patrick; Peng, Dongliang; Toohey, Kevin; Duckham, Matt (2021-06-23)
    Open Access
    Computing trajectory similarity is a fundamental operation in movement analytics, required in search, clustering, and classification of trajectories, for example. Yet the range of different but interrelated trajectory ...
  • Total domination in plane triangulations 

    Claverol Aguas, Mercè; Garcia Olaverri, Alfredo Martin; Hernández Peñalver, Gregorio; Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Maureso Sánchez, Montserrat; Mora Giné, Mercè; Tejel Altarriba, Francisco Javier (2021-01-01)
    Open Access
    A total dominating set of a graph is a subset of such that every vertex in is adjacent to at least one vertex in . The total domination number of , denoted by , is the minimum cardinality of a total dominating set of . A ...
  • A scalable method to construct compact road networks from GPS trajectories 

    Guo, Yuejun; Bardera Reig, Anton; Fort Masdevall, Marta; Silveira, Rodrigo Ignacio (2021)
    Open Access
    The automatic generation of road networks from GPS tracks is a challenging problem that has been receiving considerable attention in the last years. Although dozens of methods have been proposed, current techniques suffer ...
  • Efficient computation of minimum-area rectilinear convex hull under rotation and generalizations 

    Alegría Galicia, Carlos; Orden Martin, David; Seara Ojea, Carlos; Urrutia Galicia, Jorge (Springer Nature, 2021-03)
    Open Access
    Let P be a set of n points in the plane. We compute the value of ¿¿[0,2p) for which the rectilinear convex hull of P, denoted by RHP(¿), has minimum (or maximum) area in optimal O(nlogn) time and O(n) space, improving the ...

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