The SISCOM (Smart Services for Information Systems and Communication Networks) research group focuses on technologies that make it possible to provide intelligent services for information services and communication networks. More specifically, the interests of the group are mainly focused on two areas:

1. Communication networks: We work mostly on wireless networks, either with infrastructure or adhoc and mesh. With the aim of improving their performance, telematics engineering techniques are used. Also, routing protocols are designed and evaluated to guarantee the quality of service required to support intelligent services.

2. Security and privacy of the information: We work on the development of information protection techniques, especially on anonymization of databases to protect users' privacy when these data are being analysed by third parties. These techniques allow us to protect communications and personal information in data analysis processes.

Application examples: Anonymization of medical databases, protection of user privacy in Web browsing, electronic voting, communication in wireless networks without infrastructure (vehicle adhoc networks, mesh networks, mobile adhoc networks), design of efficient routing protocols for wireless infrastructureless networks, personal networks.

Social impact: Health sector, administration, electric operators, telecommunications service operators, smart city services, electrical vehicle, autonomous vehicle.

Recent Submissions

  • Diseño de esquema de carga/descarga para vehículos eléctricos en entornos urbanos 

    Bazán Guillén, Alberto; Barbecho Bautista, Pablo; Aguilar Igartua, Mónica (2023)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Con la creciente popularidad de los vehículos eléctricos la necesidad de estrategias de carga eficientes y efectivas se ha vuelto primordial. La programación de la carga de los vehículos eléctricos puede reducir los costos ...
  • How does the traffic behavior change by using SUMO traffic generation tools 

    Barbecho Bautista, Pablo Andrés; Urquiza Aguiar, Luis Felipe; Aguilar Igartua, Mónica (Elsevier, 2022-01-01)
    Open Access
    Simulations are the traditional approach used by the research community to evaluate mobile ad hoc networks. Mainly, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are a particular type of mobile ad hoc networks that raise specific ...
  • Privacy protection against user profiling through optimal data generalization 

    Gil Espinasa, César; Parra Arnau, Javier; Forné Muñoz, Jorge (2025-01)
    Open Access
    Personalized information systems are information-filtering systems that endeavor to tailor information-exchange functionality to the specific interests of their users. The ability of these systems to profile users based ...
  • Composition in differential privacy for general granularity notions 

    Guerra Balboa, Patricia; Miranda Pascual, Àlex; Parra Arnau, Javier; Strufe, Thorsten (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    The composition theorems of differential privacy (DP) allow data curators to combine different algorithms to obtain a new algorithm that continues to satisfy DP. However, new granularity notions (i.e., neighborhood ...
  • Anàlisi de la campanya de recollida de dades de mobilitat a la comunitat UPC amb l’eina MobilitApp 

    Aguilar Igartua, Mónica; Villarroya Saladié, Albert; Gotanegra Estañol, Miquel; Caravaca Ibáñez, Gerard; de Mingo Esteban, Mireia (2024-07-05)
    Open Access
    La Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) <> està compromesa amb la sostenibilitat i la reducció de la petjada de carboni. UPC Sostenible <> estima que el 65% de les emissions ...
  • An overview of proposals towards the privacy-preserving publication of trajectory data 

    Miranda Pascual, Àlex; Guerra Balboa, Patricia; Parra Arnau, Javier; Forné Muñoz, Jorge; Strufe, Thorsten (2024-09-04)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    The privacy risks of processing human locations and their trajectories have been demonstrated by a large number of studies and real-world incidents. As a result, many efforts are aimed at making human location trajectories ...
  • SLOW-based pseudonym changing schemes for location privacy in vehicular networks 

    Lomas, Mateo Sebastian; Paspuel, Robinson; Iza Paredes, Cristhian; Aguilar Igartua, Mónica (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2023)
    Conference report
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Location privacy is a critical aspect of vehicular networks. Privacy schemes adopt diverse methods to minimize vehicle traceability. These schemes include pseudonym periodical changes, silent periods, context-based approaches, ...
  • GNB-RPL: Gaussian Naïve Bayes for RPL routing protocol in smart grid communications 

    Mezher, Ahmad Mohamad; Dueñas, Carlos Lester; Rebollo Monedero, David; Cárdenas-Barrera, Julián; Aguilar Igartua, Mónica; Meng, Julian; Castillo Guerra, Eduardo (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2023)
    Conference report
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    This study investigates the potential of utilizing the Gaussian Naive Bayes algorithm for enhancing the performance of the Wireless Smart Grid Networks (WSGNs). We have incorporated the Gaussian Naive Bayes algorithm into ...
  • Strategic deployment of RSUs in urban settings: optimizing IEEE 802.11p infrastructure 

    Astudillo Leon, Juan Pablo; Busson, Anthony; Cruz Llopis, Luis Javier de la; Begin, Thomas; Boukerche, Azzedine (Elsevier, 2024-10-01)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    The efficient deployment of Roadside Units (RSUs) in an infrastructure based on IEEE 802.11p is essential for delivering Internet-based services to vehicles. In this paper, we introduce novel strategies that, in contrast ...
  • A reinforcement learning congestion control algorithm for smart grid networks 

    Andrade Zambrano, Argenis Ronaldo; Astudillo Leon, Juan Pablo; Morocho Cayamcela, Manuel Eugenio; Lemus Cárdenas, Leticia; Cruz Llopis, Luis Javier de la (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024-05-24)
    Open Access
    Modern electrical systems are evolving with data communication networks, ushering in upgraded electrical infrastructures and enabling bidirectional communication between utility grids and consumers. The selection of ...
  • Markov-reward based estimation of the idle-time in vehicular networks to improve multimetric routing protocols 

    Martín Faus, Isabel Victoria; Lemus Cárdenas, Leticia; Mezher, Ahmad Mohamad; Aguilar Igartua, Mónica (Elsevier, 2024-10)
    Open Access
    Analyzing vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) poses a considerable challenge due to their constantly changing network topology and scarce network resources. Furthermore, defining suitable routing metrics for adaptive ...
  • Eina dinàmica per analitzar dades de mobilitat de la comunitat UPC recollides amb MobilitApp 

    Aguilar Igartua, Mónica; Villarroya Saladié, Albert; Gotanegra Estañol, Miquel; Caravaca Ibáñez, Gerard; de Mingo Esteban, Mireia (2024-05-26)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Aquest informe és un breu resum preliminar d’un article que properament es publicarà a la revista “Ítem: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació” del Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes. Del 15 al 19 ...

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