
  • Testing invariance between web and paper students satisfaction surveys. A case study 

    Martínez Gómez, Mónica; Marin Garcia, Juan A.; Giraldo O'Meara, Martha (OmniaScience, 2017-12)
    Open Access
    Purpose: This paper studied the measurement invariance (MI) across web-based and paperbased surveys to evidence if both techniques of data collection can be regarded as equivalent. Design/methodology: We develop a ...
  • Educational videos: After the why, the how 

    Rajadell Carreras, Manuel; Garriga Garzón, Federico (OmniaScience, 2017-12)
    Open Access
    Purpose: The introduction of educational videos into university education is an indisputable reality. Numerous scientific publications have outlined the advantages to students: flexibility, motivation, encouraging ...
  • Integrating Kano Model and Quality Function Deployment for designing service in hospital front office 

    Priyono, Anjar; Yulita, Andina (OmniaScience, 2017-12)
    Open Access
    Purpose: The aims of this study are twofold: first, it attempts to investigate service attributes in a hospital front office; and second, to identify strategies to improve those service attributes. Design/methodology: ...
  • Factors influencing purchase intention towards consumer-to-consumer e-commerce 

    Dachyar, Muhammad; Banjarnahor, Liska (OmniaScience, 2017-12)
    Open Access
    Purpose: This study explores factors that influence consumer’s purchase intention at three consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce companies in Indonesia. Design/methodology: 5 Expert opinions are used to determine the ...
  • How teachers design and implement instructional materials to improve classroom practice 

    Travé González, Gabriel; Pozuelos Estrada, Francisco José (OmniaScience, 2017-12)
    Open Access
    Purpose: To explore teachers’ opinions about the design and deployment of teaching materials in class, with specific focus on the implications for professional development of self-produced resources. Design/methodology: ...