DF - Dinàmica No Lineal de Fluids
Aquesta línia de recerca té com a objectiu estudiar la dinàmica de règims preturbulents o de turbulència plenament desenvolupada. Per extensió, s'estudien problemes associats amb la dinàmica no lineal d'ones, sistemes complexos, formació d'estructures dissipatives (patterns), etc. La major part dels problemes objecte d'estudi corresponen a sistemes d'interès geofísic o de recerca bàsica, és a dir, oceanografia, dinàmica atmosfèrica, dinàmica mediambiental, però també són objecte d'estudi alguns models matemàtics d'interès físic o biològic susceptibles de propagar ones, fronts, polsos, defectes, etc. Com a exemple de problemes en estudi podem esmentar la convecció tèrmica, la turbulència en fluids estratificats, els sistemes en rotació, la dinàmica de mescles, l'arrossegament de sediments, els corrents de gravetat, etc. Quant a les tècniques que s'utilitzen, en el camp de la teoria es combina la simulació numèrica directa de processos amb tècniques analítiques de reducció a formes normals, equacions d'amplitud, dinàmica caòtica, etc. En el terreny experimental, la tècnica més emprada és el tractament digital d'imatges de fluxos obtinguts en experiments de laboratori.
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Articles de revista [213]
Working papers [1]
Recent Submissions
A new shoreline instability mechanism related to high-angle waves
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe alongshore wave driven sediment transport can render a rectilinear coastline unstable in case of very oblique wave incidence. -
Influence of meteorological phenomena on worldwide aircraft accidents in the period 1967-2010
Open AccessBased on the information available in databases from relevant national and international organizations from 1967 to 2010, an Aviation Weather Accidents Database (AWAD) was built. According to the AWAD, the weather is ... -
A new shoreline instability mechanism related to high-angle waves
Conference report
Open AccessA new shoreline instability triggered by high-angle waves and leading to sand wave formation is investigated. In contrast with the well-known high angle wave instability, which involves both the surf and shoaling zones and ... -
Formation and destruction of shoreline sand waves: observations and modelling
Conference report
Open Access -
Characteristics and dynamics of crescentic bar events in an open, tideless beach
Conference report
Open AccessCrescentic bar events at Castelldefels beach (NW Mediterranean) have been characterised using a 4.25 years dataset (October 2010-December 2014) of time-exposure video images. Crescentic bars are observed during 41% of ... -
Formation and destruction events of shoreline sand waves
Conference report
Open Access -
Cold outbreaks from Mistral wind in the western mediterranean basin
Conference report
Open AccessCold outbreaks over the western Mediterranean basin (WMB) associated to northern synoptic flows are investigated. Cold air entering into this region usually comes from the Gulf of Lion and is associated to synoptic northwesterly ... -
Effect of a positive sea surface temperature anomaly on a Mediterranean tornadic supercell
(Macmillan Publishers, 2017-10-09)
Open AccessExtreme events represent a topic of paramount importance and a challenge for modelling investigations. Due to the need of high-resolution models, the study of severe localized convective phenomena is even more critical, ... -
ULISES: an open source code for extrinsic calibrations and planview generations in coastal video monitoring systems
Restricted access - publisher's policyVideo monitoring systems have become a powerful and low-cost tool in coastal studies. Extrinsic calibration of the cameras is compulsory to get quantitative information from the images. This paper presents an Open Source ... -
Low energy transverse sand bars at el Trabucador beach, Ebro delta: a preliminary study
Conference report
Open AccessThe complex rhythmic morphology of the inner side of the Trabucador barrier beach is investigated. This system fea-tures transverse bars along with shoreline undulations. From visual inspection, the typical spacing between ... -
Numerical simulations of a tornadic supercell over the Mediterranean
Open AccessOn 28 November 2012, a multivortex EF3 tornado occurred in southeastern Italy causing one fatality and estimated damage of 60 million euros. At approximately 1050 LT (0950 UTC), this tornado, which initially formed in ... -
An idealised study for the long term evolution of crescentic bars
Open Access© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. An idealised study that identifies the mechanisms in the long term evolution of crescentic bar systems in nature is presented. Growth to finite amplitude (i.e., equilibration, sometimes referred to as ...