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Meta-analysis of consumers' willingness to pay for sustainable food products
Open AccessThere is a continuous increase in the number of studies dealing with consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) price premiums for sustainable food products. This research focused on a broad area of sustainable food products, ... -
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Willingness to Consume Insect-Based Food Products in Catalonia
Open AccessEdible insects are being considered as a sustainable source of protein and are continuously appearing in markets in the West. The impact of COVID-19 on the willingness to consume (WTC) two products enriched with insect ... -
Sustainability performance of certified and non-certified food social and economic history
Open AccessThe dataset Sustainability performance of certified and non-certified food ( contains 25 indicators of economic, environmental, and social performance, estimated for 27 certified food ... -
Dels mite a la realitat: com comunicar l'aqüicultura
Open AccessL’aqüicultura és un sector complex i divers, que avui aporta el 53% dels productes pesquers d’ús alimentari al món. El sector ha fet un esforç per desenvolupar una aqüicultura sostenible i responsable que no sempre s’ha ... -
Societal preferences for the conservation of traditional pig breeds and their agroecosystems: Addressing preference heterogeneity and protest responses through deterministic allocation and scale-extended models
Open AccessWe assess preferences of inhabitants of the island of Majorca (Spain) for the conservation of traditional, extensively reared Majorcan Black Pigs and the linked agroecosystem, using a choice experiment. Up to 35% of our ... -
Preferences in ‘Jalapeño’ pepper attributes: a choice study in Mexico
Open AccessBackground: According to Mexican growers of ‘Jalapeño’ peppers, its commercialization is the primary limitation. Thus, consumer knowledge is critical to develop added-value strategies. The objective of this study was to ... -
Marketing strategies to self-sustainability of autochthonous swine breeds from different EU regions: a mixed approach using the World Café technique and the Analytical Hierarchy Process
Open AccessExtensive and semi-extensive production based on local swine breeds such as Majorcan Black Pig, Cinta Senese, Gascon, Krškopolje and Turopolje is becoming extremely rare and on the verge of disappearing in Europe. In this ... -
Are certified supply chains more socially sustainable? A bargaining power analysis
Open AccessFood quality schemes (FQS: organic and geographical indication products) are often supposed to be more sustainable by their political advocates. We explore the social sustainability advantage of FQS through the lens of ... -
Did the COVID-19 lockdown affect consumers’ sustainable behaviour in food purchasing and consumption in China?
Open AccessThe COVID-19 pandemic situation has altered consumers’ behaviour in food purchasing and consumption. This study, as a first attempt, assesses how COVID-19 lockdown affects the Chinese consumers’ purchasing and consumption ... -
Do food quality schemes and net price premiums go together?
Open AccessThis article addresses the issue of the profitability of Food Quality Scheme (FQS) products as compared to reference products, which are defined as analogous products without quality label. We approach this question by ... -
Economic spill-over of food quality schemes on their territory
Open AccessWe study the effect of a set of food quality scheme (FQS) products within the local economy using a local multiplier approach based on LM3 methodology. To evaluate the effective contribution within the local area, we compare ... -
Internalizing the public cost of obesity in Spain: Distributional effects on nutrient intake
Open AccessStudies dealing with obesity have confronted it either from the fiscal policy or from economic cost perspective. There is the need to target fiscal policy goals at the economic cost that obesity imposes on society instead ...