Energy harvesting-aware distributed queuing access for wireless machine-to-machine networks
Globecom16 Energy Harvesting-aware Distributed Queuing Access for Wireless Machine-to-Machine Networks 1570268039.pdf (298,3Kb) (Restricted access)
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Document typeConference report
Defense date2016
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Rights accessRestricted access - publisher's policy
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The Energy Harvesting-aware Distributed Queuing access protocol (EH-DQ) is presented in this paper as a novel Medium Access Control protocol for wireless Machineto-Machine networks with energy harvesting capabilities. EHDQ
is theoretically modeled to analyze its performance. A performance comparison with a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and an EH-aware Reservation Dynamic Frame SlottedALOHA (EH-RDFSA) shows its superior performance. While
TDMA requires updated network information to maintain a collision-free schedule and EH-RDFSA requires to estimate the number of contenders per frame to dynamically adjust the frame length, EH-DQ uses short and fixed frame lengths and does not require knowledge of the network topology or the number of
end-devices in advance.
CitationVázquez, F., Alonso, L., Alonso-Zárate, J. Energy harvesting-aware distributed queuing access for wireless machine-to-machine networks. A: IEEE Global Communications Conference. "2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM): proceedings, Washington, DC USA 4-8 December 2016". Washington, DC: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016, p. 1-7.
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