Design of a cogeneration installation using a stirling engine
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Document typeArticle
Defense date2017-01-16
Rights accessOpen Access
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This paper present the design of a cogeneration plant with a Stirling engine, generating electricity using the residual energy as heat of the hot gases from a domestic or industrial furnace outlet. First, the ideal method for calculating the energy needs of hot water of an industrial establishment, taking into account the domestic hot water used in the different devices of the building and the hot water used for heating. Second describes the furnace, to determine the residual heat that will use the Stirling engine to run. In third place is calculated the Stirling engine in accordance with the settings selected and the elements that compose it. Once known operation, the engine is analyzed kinetically and thermodynamically to make their modeling. Finally, technology is analyzed to transform the mechanical energy from Stirling engine into energy that can be used in the building where the installation is implemented. Once created whole process, the calculation of the installation for practical application in a real industrial local becomes, showing the magnitude of the energy obtained and the dimensions of the installation.
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CitationGutierrez, E., Marín, B. Design of a cogeneration installation using a stirling engine. "IEEE Latin America transactions", 16 Gener 2017, vol. 14, núm. 12, p. 4714-4723.
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