6th Workshop on Numerical in Applied Science and Engineering 2007
Vall de Núria, 9 a l'11 de gener del 2007
NEFEM for EULER equations
Conference report
Open AccessAn improvement of the classical finite element method is proposed in [1], the NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method (NEFEM). It considers an exact representation of the geometry by means of the usual CAD description of the ... -
An interactive mesh generation environment for geometry-based simulations. Progress updated
Conference report
Open AccessWe presented an overview of an interactive mesh generation environment in our previous work that it is being developed in the Laboratori de Càlcul Numèric (LaCàN). We started the development of the software in order to ... -
Strict upper and lower boundswith adaptive remeshing in limit state analysis
Conference report
Open AccessBy writing the limit state analysis as an optimisation problem, and after resorting to suitable discretisations of the stress and velocity field, we compute strict bounds of the load factor. The optimisation problem is ... -
Derivation of shallow water models for steady and transient phenomena, required assumptions and resulting equations
Conference report
Open AccessThe shallow water models describe water flow in rivers, lakes and shallow seas. They are used to study many physical phenomena of interest, such as, modeling environmental effects, commercial activities on fisheries and ... -
Shock capturing for discontinuous Galerkin methods
Conference report
Open AccessThis work is devoted to solve scalar hyperbolic conservation laws in the presence of strong shocks with discontinuous Galerkin methods (DGM). A standard approach is to use limiting strategies in order to avoid oscillations ... -
Automatic generation of quadrilateral structured meshes using linear programming and transfinite interpolation
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents an implementation of a structured quadrilateral algorithm called submapping. The meshing procedure splits the geometry into patches and then meshes each patch separately preserving the mesh compatibility ... -
Generación de mallas de hexaedros en geometrías múltiplemente conexas mediante submapping
Conference report
Open AccessEn este trabajo se presenta una mejora del método de submapping para ampliar su aplicabilidad. El algoritmo de submapping tiene dos limitaciones principales. La primera de ellas es que sólo se puede aplicar en geometrías ... -
Solmec: an efficient c++ library to solve linear and nonlinear elasticity problems
Conference report
Open AccessA C++ library based on local maximum-entropy approximation schemes to solve linear and nonlinear elasticity problem is presented. The available tools are briefly described, and several implementation details are also ... -
Hierarchical x-fem applied to n-phase flow
Conference report
Open AccessIn this work we proposed an extencion of the level set technique to track any number of free surfaces. This extension is based in a hierarchical ordering of several level set functions. To complete the X–FEM approach, the ... -
Galerkin discontinuo local aplicado a problemas de ondas acústicas: condiciones de frontera absorbente locales de bajo orden
Conference report
Open AccessEn este trabajo se presenta una comparación de la solución numérica de la ecuación de Helmholtz utilizando el método de elementos finitos Galerkin Discontinuo Local (LDG) con varias condiciones de contorno absorbentes ... -
A critical comparison of two discontinuous galerkin methods for the navier-stokes equations using solenoidal aproximations
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper compares two methods to solve incompressible problems, in particular the Navier-Stokes equations, using a discontinuous polynomial interpolation that is exactly divergence-free in each element. The first method ... -
Management, design and developement of a mesh generation environment using open source software
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper we present an object oriented implementation of a general-purpose mesh generation environment for geometry-based simulations. The aim of this application is to unify available legacy code and new research ... -
Shock-capturing with discontinuous garlekin methods
Conference report
Open AccessA shock capturing strategy for high order Discontinuous Galerkin methods for conservation laws is proposed. We present a method in the one-dimensional case based on the introduction of artificial viscosity into the ... -
Acoplamiento del modelo regional de calidad de aire (CMAQ) con el modelo de emisiones locales mediante elementos finitos
Conference report
Open AccessExisten modelos regionales de calidad del aire que son muy utilizados. Estos modelos tienen modelos para estudiar el aporte de contaminantes provocados por fuentes importantes de contaminación, como pueden ser chimeneas, ... -
3D nurbs-enhanced finite element method
Conference report
Open AccessAn improvement of the classical finite element method is proposed in [1], the NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method (NEFEM). It is able to exactly represent the geometry by means of the usual CAD description of the boundary ... -
Bounds and adaptivity for 3D limit analysis
Conference report
Open AccessIn the present paper we compute upper and lower bounds for limit analysis in two and three dimensions. From the solution of the discretised upper and lower bound problems, and from the optimum displacement rate and stress ... -
Numerical integration by using local-node gauss-hermite cubature
Conference report
Open AccessA local–node numerical integration scheme for meshless methods is presented in this work. The distinguishing characteristic of the introduced scheme is that not support mesh or grid to perform numerical integration is ... -
Simple assessment of the numerical wave number in the fe solution of the helmholtz equation
Conference report
Open AccessWhen numerical methods are applied to the computation of stationary waves, it is observed that "numerical waves" are dispersive for high wave numbers. The numerical wave shows a phase velocity which depends on the wave ... -
The block gauss-seidel method in sound transmission problems
Conference report
Open AccessSound transmission through partitions can be modelled as an acoustic fluid-elastic structure interaction problem. The block Gauss-Seidel iterative method is used in order to solve the finite element linear system of ... -
Strict error bounds in linear solid mechanics using a subdomain-based flux-free approach
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper, we derive, in the framework of the ux-free method, strict bounds for the energy norm of the error associated to a finite element computation. In that framework, and when using linear elements, the problems ...