
  • Presentación 

    Gaete Feres, Héctor (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
  • Introducción editorial 

    Garcia Alvarado, Rodrigo; Abarca Cárdenas, Karina; López, Maria Isabel; Biere Arenas, Rolando Mauricio (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
  • Rio-H: historical 3D models in a web-based system 

    Kós, José R. (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper aims to explore the use of information technology, particularly 3D models, for the city history research. Rio-H, a web-based system is as a digital alternative for the representation of the city history. Three ...
  • Narrativas do patrimônio urbano: protótipo em hiperdocumento do Palácio Monroe no Rio de Janeiro 

    Paraizo, Rodrigo Cury (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper discusses the use of hyperdocuments to portray urban heritage, focusing in the possibilities of narrative structure brought by electronic network narrative. The chosen building is the former house of the ...
  • Mapa Cultura, reconstrucción virtual del patrimonio intangible 

    Sierra Morales, Mauricio Javier (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Using pedagogical tools of participatory research, like “social cartography”; the most significant intangible matters, like the foods, handicraft, architectonic heritages, etc., are considered parts of a data modelling. ...
  • Palacio del Infantado, reconstrucción virtual de un artesonado 

    López-Tercero Giménez de los Galanes, Antonio; García Martínez, Eduardo; Trallero Sanz, Antonio; Marín Palma, Ana M. (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The Cazadores Room was a rectangular room, located on the main floor of the south wing, and which is covered with a coffered ceiling, the largest of all, shaped like an inverted coffered ceiling, polychromatic and ...
  • Arqueología arquitectónica: re-construcción virtual, patrimonio y ciudad 

    Muñoz Viveros, Cristián; Barría Chateau, Hernán; Cerda Brintrup, Gonzalo (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    From the development of two projects we construct virtuality 20 patrimony building of Concepcion whith recourses from Fondo de Desarrollo de las Artes y la Cultura from Ministery of Education. The discussion focus in what ...
  • VR WebGIS: an OpenSource approach to 3D real-time landscape management 

    Calori, Luigi; Camporesi, Carlo; Forte, Maurizio; Pescarin, Sofia (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    OpenSource philosophy has reached to unexpected goals. The diffusion of OpenSource tools is increased quite a lot, but also the quality of the tools is improving. Their usability is slowing going even towards communities ...
  • Estrategia cognitiva para el desarrollo de herramientas computacionales en planificación territorial 

    Lavanderos, Leonardo; Malpartida, Alejandro; Acevedo, Ricardo (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Territorial Planning acquires the complex category due to the relational dynamics that different implicated actors print into the style and the narrative associated. The way of systematizing the complexity of opinions ...
  • Sistemas de Información Geográfica para el Desarrollo Sustentable de las ciudades chilenas 

    Romero, Hugo; Henríquez, Cristian; Azócar, Gerardo; Vásquez, Aléxis; Souza, Naircylene do; Riveros, Sebastían; Morán, Andrés (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The process of urban sprawl of Chilean metropolis and médium-size cities have been analyzed using models and statistical tools provided by Geographical Information Systems, like multiple regression and logistic analyses, ...
  • Modelo de Uso óptimo del territorio en el PRDU: Región de La Araucanía 

    Peña-Cortés, Fernando; Escalona, Miguel; Rebolledo, Gonzalo; Mellado, Carolina; Alvarez, Erika (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The Regional Urban Development Plan (UDRP) for the Araucanía Region was prepared using methods taken from ecology-based physical planning and from the integrated analysis of natural systems. In this way, a series of ...
  • SIG_PDUT, aplicación para la planificación territorial de La Araucanía 

    Peña-Cortés, Fernando; Escalona, Miguel; Rebolledo, Gonzalo; Donoso, Gustavo; Lara, Fredy (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The development of GIS tools involves the generation of territorial information, organized according to the specific consultation, input and processing requirements of a group of users, and must be sufficiently flexible ...
  • Uso de Modelos Digitales en la Planificación Urbana 

    Romero, Mirta; Zaragoza, Aldo; Martín, Gustavo (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper describes the results of the project developed in IRPHa (Instituto Regional de Planeamiento y Hábitat, National University of San Juan, Argentina). It consists in the development of a Territorial Organization ...
  • SIGU & habilitación urbana en Venezuela 

    Ferrer, Mercedes; Días Egu, Víctor; Giusti Ma, Rosario; Santarelli, Katy (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The paper describes the Urban Management Information System (UMIS) designed to monitor and evaluated the execution of the Actions and Investments Program (AIP) elaborate with the actors implied in the urban HABILITATION ...
  • Integrating Remote Sensing/GIS Methods in Housing Analysis 

    Ward, Peter M.; Peters, Paul A. (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper develops a methodology for integrating Remote Sensing and GIS techniques to identify low income informal homestead subdivisions (AKA colonias) in peri-urban areas of US metropolitan areas. Unlike their self-build ...
  • Síntesis investigativa en vivienda social: Rinconada de Maipú, Santiago 

    Ruiz-Tagle, Javier (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In behalf of the public programme ChileBarrio, for a study of 3 settlements in Rinconada de Maipú, to make a Plan of Improvement, the Instituto de la Vivienda (INVI) makes a physical- social cadastre, case to case of the ...
  • Incidencia de la Planificación Urbana en los niveles de calidad de vida de los ciudadanos 

    Polanco, Héctor (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Lack of planning and management has affected the citizens’ quality life levels in most of urban centers; such is the case in Coro City, Venezuela. It is necessary to evaluate the basic variables that have direct influence ...
  • Fragmentation of Urban Space in Latin America: a GIS approach to the analysis of segregation in Lima 

    Peters, Paul A. (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The complex nature of urban space within Latin America’s major cities limits the applicability of many empirical measures of segregation. However, the development of integrated spatial measures allows for the measurement ...
  • Asentamientos irregulares en la escena urbana: superposición de ámbitos y escenarios de intervención 

    Castellano Caldera, César (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The intervention of the irregular settlements has evolved upon the successes and errors of policies that normally do not consider an integral vision of the urban system. Among the numerous integral interventions in Latin ...
  • "Territorio 3": sistema digital de investigación territorial en urbanismo, geografía urbana y geografía de suelos 

    López Morales, Ernesto; Paz Castro, Carmen; Soza Ruiz, Pedro (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The project territorio3 articulates diverse theoretical fields and scales in a same space of investigation. Its objective is to create a digital system of academic use that integrates the development of cross-sectional ...
  • Herramientas de gráfica digital y SIG aplicadas a interacción de características geográfica de Concepción con la urbe. (siglo XVIII al XX) 

    Vidal, Claudia; Lira, Roberto (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The process of urbanisation of the city Concepción, has historically been affected by the characteristics of his natural environment, in origin, evolution and development. The city in its evolution hasprovoked important ...
  • El Diseño en la construcción de la Marca-Ciudad 

    Quezada Cofré, Rodolfo (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The present work corresponds to the foundations of the subject “City-brand” from the point of view of the intervention of the design of visual communication. The preponderance of visual message is a fact that characterizes ...
  • Zonificación inmobiliaria de la ciudad de Concepción 

    Núñez, Francisco (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The zoning is a common procedure for planning land use in the cities, searching for homogeneous piece of land inside the cities to define use, intensity of use and others subjects related. This work deals with another ...
  • La nueva geografía económica del comercio al por menor en el gran Santiago de Chile 

    Ramírez Sepúlveda, Cristian Andrés (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The objective of the present investigation is framed within a line of investigation developed by the author, relative to reveal the new space configuration economic that displays the great cities in the context of the ...
  • SIG orientado al geomarketing Inmobiliario en Barcelona 

    Garcia-Almirall, M. Pilar; Biere Arenas, Rolando Mauricio (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The changes in the characteristics and needs for the economic activities space, the increasing predominance of the tertiary industry of offices or I+D, the effect on the economic transformation, implies new forms, new ...
  • Análisis espacial de flujos: aplicación al estudio de circuitos económicos locales 

    Gatica N., Francisco; Segura N., Alejandra; Vidal G., Claudia (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This work seek to apply SIG to the spatial analysis of economic flows to local level. It turns out to be a first methodological approach that responds to the necessity of focusing the public investment of productive ...
  • Estrategias pedagógicas y modelos virtuales de fragmentos urbanos 

    Arroyo, Julio; Chiarella, Mauro (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The problem of design in the annual workshop is the relation between architectural project and the construction of the urban fact, as the physical intervention and the cultural expression of the cities. The pedagogical ...
  • Maquetas electrónicas y Análisis Dinámico Urbano 

    Rall, Juan Carlos (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Cities are growing in size and complexity with a huge energy waste and a progressive damage to life quality. An interesting alternative for the analysis of the continuously evolving urban variables that could lead to ...
  • C-Code 1.0: simulación urbana digital 

    Labarca M., Claudio; Culagovski R., Rodrigo (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Urban building codes include a series of abstract geometric and mathematical prescriptions whose final built result is not easily visualized by non-technical users. This makes an informed public debate about the proposed ...
  • Estrategias de Modelado formal en la Sagrada Familia 

    Núñez Andrés, María Amparo; Buill Pozuelo, Felipe; Mesa Gisbert, Andrés de; Regot Marimón, Joaquín Manuel (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper explain the inverse engineering process to obtain an accuracy three-dimensional model of a big window module located in upper left side of the Sagrada Familia temple. The aim is to define a process to generate ...
  • La ciudad en el camino de lo virtual: incertidumbres, deudas y vertientes 

    González Romero, Daniel; Pérez Bourzac, María Teresa (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
  • Ambiente construido - globalización: el uso de medios digitales 

    Schaposnik, Viviana; Fariña, Fernando (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    A research, presently in development, -work in progress-, referring to Architecture assumed as globalization tool, and affecting the Constructed Ambient by the presence of Global patterns, applies new instruments so as ...
  • Las comunidades científicas entre lo presencial y lo virtual: el caso de la RII 

    González López, Sergio (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper seeks to analyse the forms of organisation of scientific communities, based on their management of both presential and virtual modes. There is a preliminary comparison of various networks of researchers, with ...
  • La conjunción de actores antagónicos en la gestión comunitaria: asentamientos urbanos precarios 

    Pérez Valecillos, Tomás (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In a more urbanized world, the urban development will depend in great measure on the administrative capacity of the cities, and on the active participation of their citizens. Therefore, the participation of the citizens ...
  • Gestion sinergica: bisagra entre presupuesto participativo y los consejos locales 

    García Guzmán, Belén; Ferrer, Mercedes; Amador, Engelberth (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The paper describes the synergic management method implanted by San Francisco´s Municipality (Venezuela) that conciliate the political objectives of the Local Government Plan and the needs of the community, through the ...
  •, la civilización digital 

    Guirao, Josep (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
  • CAD, 3-D GIS and the Global Digital City 

    Hudson-Smith, Andrew; Evans, Stephen; Batty, Michael (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    We are on the edge of a revolution in the way we visualize and query digital data about our environment. To date, computer displays of our environment in the third dimension have been limited to computer-aided design ...
  • Momentos de la formación de la ciudad 

    Bianchi, Siva Alves; Gomes, Paulo César da Costa (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper addresses the city of Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, and describes the course of its development within Brazilian historical context. It analyses the fluxes and areas of influence of the city, in order to understand ...
  • Conocimiento y producción del espacio de los flujos 

    Malmond, Alicia Violeta; Balmaceda, María Isabel (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This article attempts to make an approach to the concept of virtual City, specifically the knowledge and production of the space of flows, which is implicit in much of the current debate surrounding Technologies of ...
  • Catastro Urbano y ciudades virtuales 3D en Latinoamérica 

    Erba, Diego Alfonso; Uribe, Álvaro (2005-10)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    In urban areas, development and growth do not always occur in the most desirable sectors. The effort to try to find better means to explain the mysteries of urban processes is an ongoing task that must approach economic ...
  • Modelización 3D de Zonas Urbanas con SIG 

    Marambio Castillo, Alejandro Esteban; García Strino, Joaquim (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper introduces a methodology for the development of a high quality 3D city model using geographical informational system (SIG) tools and its possible applications in urban planning decision making. The approach ...
  • Territorio contemporáneo: lectura diagramática del espacio intersticial 

    Sebastián Fariña, Fernando; Schaposnik, Viviana (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Is shown a research about interstitial space, aiming to the systematical comprehension of the problematic in the territory, trough the design of a diagramatic reading tool. In a first stage it has been studied incidental ...
  • Metodología para Inventario de Humedales 

    Podestá, Laura; Casanova, Rosario; Beyhaut, Juan Ignacio; Boix, Rafael (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    An automated methodology for the inventory of wetlands in Uruguay was designed, defining a specific technical criteria for their determination. It was necessary to use a combination of procedures and technological tools ...
  • The GIS/FM in the centro universitário Feevale 

    Silva, Reginaldo Macedônio da; Furtado, Marisa Freitas; Silva, Álison Silveira da; Carpeggiani, Jésun R. (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Centro universitário Feevale has been considerably enlarged at campus II since 1999. Being exactly, within five years (1999 - 2004), there it currently keeps a count of 17,000 students from nearly 4,500 ones before. The ...
  • Obtención de ortofotografías utilizando MDE globales 

    Muñoz Capilla, Francisco Javier; Núñez Andrés, María Amparo; Buill Pozuelo, Felipe (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Nowadays is very common to obtain spatial information using global digital models obtained by RADAR techniques in campaigns carried out by governmental organisations which put them at public’s disposal in Internet. The ...
  • Necesidad del geoide en el posicionamiento con GPS 

    Núñez Andrés, María Amparo; Buill Pozuelo, Felipe (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The common use of global positioning systems, and specially GPS, in work like survey, cartography, photogrammmetry, LIDAR... make it necessary have a gemid model to transform ellipsoidal to orthometric heights used in ...
  • Geoestadística y los Sistemas de Información Geográfica 

    Díaz Alarcón, Ismael; Vargas MacCarte, Gilda (2005-10)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    They are very diverse the occasions in which the use of the Systems of Geographical Information for to represent variables distributed spatially. Indeed new technologies facilitated graphic representations to carry out ...