The SO Research Seminars Series is a multidisciplinary focal point for exchange of ideas as well as giving a forum to the Severo Ochoa Mobility Grant holders to make a presentation related to the research focus of their collaborations funded by the awarded grants.

Recent Submissions

  • Gender bias and natural language processing 

    Costa-Jussà, Marta R. (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Demographic biases are widely affecting artificial intelligence. In particular, gender bias is clearly spread in natural language processing applications, e.g. from stereotyped translations to poorer speech recognition ...
  • Towards secure cyber-physical systems for autonomous vehicles 

    Biglari-Abhari, Morteza (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Cyber-Physical systems have become ubiquitous. These systems integrate different functionalities to satisfy the performance requirements and take advantage of the available processing power of multi-core systems. Safety ...
  • Bias on the web 

    Baeza, Ricardo (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The Web is the most powerful communication medium and the largest public data repository that humankind has created. Its content ranges from great reference sources such as Wikipedia to ugly fake news. Indeed, social ...
  • Annotating clinical text produced in Chile 

    Dunstan, Jocelyn (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Public hospitals in Chile have waiting lists for specialty consultations that are both numerous and with long waiting times. The reason for referral is in the form of unstructured text and therefore it is hard for ...
  • Systematic discovery of germline cancer predisposition genes through large-scale cancer genomics 

    Park, Solip (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The genetic causes of cancer include both somatic mutations and inherited germline variants. Large-scale tumor sequencing has revolutionized the identification of somatic driver alterations but has had limited impact on ...
  • A short introduction to the aims and status of modern C++ 

    Stroustrup, Bjarne (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    C++20 is here. How does it reflect the aims and ideals of C++? What are the major features of C++20? What is in the works for future standards? I will - necessarily briefly - touch upon type-safety, resource-safety, type ...
  • Towards predictable, secure, and verified cyber-physical systems- on-chip 

    Hassan, Mohamed (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The unleashed Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) revolution creates exceptional opportunities in many domains such as healthcare, smart power grid, automotive, industrial robots, and transportation ...
  • Template for reproducible scientific datasets/papers 

    Akhlaghi, Mohammad (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The increasing volume, diversity, and role of data in modern research has been very fruitful. However, these same factors, have also made it harder to describe (in sufficient detail) the processing behind a scientific ...
  • Advances in machine learning for modelling and understanding in earth sciences 

    Camps-Valls, Gustau (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The Earth is a complex dynamic network system. Modelling and understanding the system is at the core of scientific endeavour. We approach these problems with machine learning algorithms. I will review several ML approaches ...
  • Actionable models of control in complex systems for the biomedical domain 

    Rocha, Luis M. (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Modern artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques predict system behavior from previous observations. However, in biology, and in true complex systems in general, profound transformation in system ...
  • Team strategy for hardware development 

    Hawkins, Keith; Kashyap, Rajesh; Zuraski, Jerry; Perry, Brad; Marvin, Dean (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Five founding members of the former Samsung Austin Research Center (SARC) will share their thoughts on how to build a high performance team, how industry is different from the academic experience, how things are different ...
  • Several stories about tripeptides: basic components for modeling flexible protein structures 

    Cortés, Juan (2020)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    From a mechanical point of view, fragments of three consecutive amino acid residues (called tripeptides hereafter) are very interesting elements of polypeptide chains. Indeed, if we consider the bond torsion angles as ...

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